Damn dog.....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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We have one of those motorized pet doors, the kind where Rover wears a magnet and when he gets near it the door goes up. Well, we have 3 dogs, 2 of them have no issues with it. The third, well that is another story. He will stand near it to make it open. Once it opens he just looks scopes out the yard. It closes and he is still inside. 20 seconds later, process is repeated. When we had the flap kind he would often stand with 2 feet outside and 2 inside, just standing there looking around. Our one dog, who is no longer with us, would get tired of waiting for him and would ram him in the arse with his head to get him to move. Last night he wanted to sleep on the one bed closest to the stove, of which it was taken. So he stood there barking at the other dog until she got up. :banghead:
Bet that gets a little pricey on the heating bill Doug! Cracks me up though -- an electric garage door opener for dogs. :-D What'll they think of next?
In a past life, that dog was a kid who would stand in front of the refridgerator with the door open taking forever to decide what he wants.
It's a dog...a brain the size of a pee....but a heart the size of a mountain. (and still smarter than a kid sho stands in front of the fridge)