damn sinus troubles.....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Lived in NJ for 27 years, never had a single sinus problem. Moved to AZ and developed some problems. Several CT scans were done and every time all 4 of my cavities were close to being completely blocked. Pain was off the charts, blurry vision, spots, tooth pain (all my teeth where near the sinus's have had root canals so no way they can hurt, verified by x-rays), severe bloody nose troubles. Some time bad enough that if I sneezed I would launch bloody mucus from my nose. Had the allergy test done, allergic to nothing. Docs told me that it is not uncommon for someone to develop this sort of trouble when moving, especially into AZ. The dry air, smog in the winter and 6 growing seasons can cause all kinds of troubles. Was told that I would probably get a break from it when I left AZ, but it would probably only last 4 years or so. Well damn it, been here for 4 years now and the crap is starting again. Teeth hurt, eyes are blood shot and swollen, throat is getting sore. :protest::protest::protest: Was really hoping I was done with this garbage.....
Ever hear of a Neti-pot? Its a little pot that looks like a miniature watering pot that you fill with warm saline salt water and pour into your nose. I know it sounds strange but you tilt your head sideways over a sink and pour the pot slowly into your upper nostril. The saline solution (it comes with dry doses in the kit) runs into your sinuses and flushes them out or dilutes them to break down the mucous so they drain. It will run out your lower nostril a few seconds after you start. It takes about 2 times to get used to the effect but strangley it doesnt make you sneeze. I use it when I get allergies and it helps alot. There is also a capsium based inhaler (yeah, tear gas!) that is guaranteed to break up sinus congestion. Its available at drug stores but I cant remember the name. Used to be advertised on the radio.
And then there is surgury...... I had wicked problems years ago after moving to NC. After numerous ongoing sinus infections I finally would up in surgury. They removed quite a few pylops from my sinus cavities. Years later I still have sinus issues but not the constant infections.
Would I do it again - I don't think so!! The after effects from the surgury were the most miserable thing I ever endured.
Last ct scan showed no growths or nothing. Septum is normal as well. Ent said no surgery for me. Had a neti pot in AZ. Helped a bit, as did saline spray. Got to the point of having fluid in my lungs from over use of the spray.......it was the only way I could breath. Doc I am seeing now thinks the root of it all is a yeast imbalance in my sinus cavities. I was on a very high dose of anti-biotics when this first started. Doc kept cycling me, 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, in an attempt at chasing the actual infection away. This went on for over 2 years before the pharmacist pulled the plug on it, with the reason being that if what ever I had in me was not gone after that long it was not going to go away. She also told me that after that long being on them that I built up a tolerance to them. She was right on the second part of it. Had strep throat a while back, took 3 doses of that Z-pack to put a dent in it.
I had problem with sinus infections. ALL the time. I always had a stuffy nose.
Colds more than most. My P.A. gave me a perscription for generic Clarition D.
Been on that for a year now. Haven't had a single problem with my sinus.
Did your doc perscribe anything?
Lived in NJ for 27 years, never had a single sinus problem. Moved to AZ and developed some problems.

The exact same thing happened to me. I left Jersey, after about 36 years (on and off) moved to Ga. and developed sinus issues. I know exactly how you feel. It sucks.
I had problem with sinus infections. ALL the time. I always had a stuffy nose.
Colds more than most. My P.A. gave me a perscription for generic Clarition D.
Been on that for a year now. Haven't had a single problem with my sinus.
Did your doc perscribe anything?
Been pretty much thru everything when I was in AZ. Have not had any problems up here until this started about 2 weeks ago....
Sinuses are airtight* proof against "intelligent design".

Neti pots are popular but gravity-feed isn't good enough for those of us "blessed" with problem sinuses. Get one of these or these. Use it. I add a small(!) splash of Listerine to mine.

*-Airtight! Hah! See what I did there?
I've been in the same boat, 22 years in NJ, Just celebrated my third year in AZ.

Symptom management is the name of the game. Keep a cool mist humidifier going in the house. Nasal spray rarely, since prolonged use can wear away your mucus membranes and make you more prone to infections. I take a daily regimen of real sudafed and different supplements for my immune system. It helps, but about twice a year, mostly due to stress, I get really bad sinus infections.

Best of luck to you.
Sinuses are airtight* proof against "intelligent design".

Neti pots are popular but gravity-feed isn't good enough for those of us "blessed" with problem sinuses. Get one of these or these. Use it. I add a small(!) splash of Listerine to mine.

*-Airtight! Hah! See what I did there?
Had something very similar to both of them, got to the point where it was easier, a bit more painful but easier to just go cup my hands under a running faucet and snort the water. Problem with anything kind of flush for me is if it is not done on a real regular basis I could not breath. I had to inhale water damn near every half hour just to be able to breath. It is not that bad right now so saline solution very well may work.

I've been in the same boat, 22 years in NJ, Just celebrated my third year in AZ.

Symptom management is the name of the game. Keep a cool mist humidifier going in the house. Nasal spray rarely, since prolonged use can wear away your mucus membranes and make you more prone to infections. I take a daily regimen of real sudafed and different supplements for my immune system. It helps, but about twice a year, mostly due to stress, I get really bad sinus infections.

Best of luck to you.
You have my condolences for 3 years in AZ. Shortly after moving to AZ I decided I was going to run and do some weight training. Went from a blubbery 240 to a muscular 190, split my days between a 10 mile run and a couple of hours of weights. Once the sinus junk ramped up I had no choice but to stop it all, as the only thing that I was doing was running my immune system into the gutter. Tried a humidifier, no luck. I live in Eastern Washington, right now the humidity is over 70%. Still plugged. Played the supplement game but did not matter. I was employed at the Post Office, knew a lot of folks that transferred to Phoenix from other areas, damn near every one of us had these sinus troubles, to some extent. The hot dry summer air couple with all the pollution from the place being a bowl is just bad news. Never realized how bad the air there was until I was sitting out at the tunnel near Globe during November. Winters were the worst for me. While the air was cooler the added pollution from the snow birds just made it that much worse. Every doc I seen said that they have seen an increase in this crap over the years. Allergist called it "the unknown environmental allergy", family doc just called it goopitis. When I visit there after 4 days my head is just absolutely pounding.
Snort strong salt water as strong as you can stand it twice a day.
So what do I do for the other 23 hours of the day? Done this for a while. Used to have several salt water aquariums, always had trash cans full of fresh salt water on hand so when I had to do a water change the water was ready. Used to just take water from the cans...sometimes just snorting from the can itself.
Just had a Pacific North West Panel done, it checked for all the local allergens and of course it came back with no allergies. After my trip to AZ next week I will be going to see an Allergist, or what ever the Allergy docs are called.
Try snorting H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) or by a nasal decongestant product for the spray bottle, empty the liquid and replace it with peroxide . Two or three shots per nostril (burns A LOT). Being a carpenter when the cold weathet hit (below freezing ) my nose would run Continuously,sinuses would swell and I couldn't breath through my nose. Tried all kinds of stuff.... that worked for me + it was CHEAP ($1 per 12 oz. bottle)
Going for an allergy test on Thursday. Had one done years ago and found out I was allergic to nothing at the time.......