Damn those California fires!

NWS says there is rain comin (likely) to that area of the state on Thursday. Last Thursday the sky over the ocean here in a more southern area had an eerie brown cast to it. With the Santa Ana/Diablo winds we have been having and do have this time of year, more than likely it was smoke from Napa. We've had our share of brush fires down here this year also. Probably close to 50 or 60K acres but the fires were in mostly undeveloped areas. A couple of real close calls though. Some knothead set 9 small arson fires just north of Lompoc at the edge of VAFB, close enough to some residential areas that the residents had to wash the borate off their belongings. Just to make it more interesting right in the middle of the area, a large oil field. Sometimes livin in the desert looks good during fire season. Creosote doesn't burn worth beans. Doesn't mean i'm goin back to the desert, I'll take my chances here on the coast.
I'm 50-75 miles south of the fires. Depending on the winds, it can be clear or very smokey. Most schools in this county were closed due to bad smokey air quality and today, it was announced some schools will stay closed tomorrow.
The local CBS, Fox, and NBC news broadcasts are almost ignoring national news in order to keep the locals informed.
Entire neighborhoods in Santa Rosa were wiped out. Over 3500 homes and businesses are gone. Really sad
It is a tragedy. Must look like the area was nuked. So glad the residents had the good sense to get the heck out of Dodge. Lord protect those in harm's way, comfort those affected, heal those injured, welcome those that did not survive.
One of my wife ex coworkers moved from socal to north and her house was the only one standing on her block, everything else burnt to ground. Thoughts and prayer to all those affected
LB is 27 miles from the Anaheim hills fire and we had some nasty brown smoke hovering over us, with ash falling. It looked alot darker than the pics show, you couldnt see the ocean from a hilltop 2.5 miles away. It was actually 10 miles from my house in Tustin but I was SW of the fire and the wind was pushing all the crap dead west so we didnt get any smoke over out house.
LB is 27 miles from the Anaheim hills fire and we had some nasty brown smoke hovering over us, with ash falling. It looked alot darker than the pics show, you couldnt see the ocean from a hilltop 2.5 miles away. It was actually 10 miles from my house in Tustin but I was SW of the fire and the wind was pushing all the crap dead west so we didnt get any smoke over out house. View attachment 1715100686 View attachment 1715100685
I used to watch the "creosote bushes" burn when I was out there, was interesting at night. Not saying it was a disaster if not controlled. They burned for 2-3 days going up the side of the rocky hills behind my house when I lived in Apple Valley.
Bob .. So you managed to escape the Mighty Mojave Desert too? One thing good about Apple Valley, it was closer to OCIR and Irwindale by 30 minutes than I was :rofl: Barstow was a great place to grow up .. Even better to move away from :lol:
when I lived in Apple Valley.