Dart doesn't sit level in the rear



Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2013
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I just got new tires for my 73 dart today and installed them, and because they are bigger and they fill up the fenders more in the rear I noticed that the wheel goes into the fender more on the rear drivers side. The previous owner installed air shocks, so I assume that the leafs may be kinda wore.

But what I thought was odd was when I jacked the car up, and put stands under the frame rails, the rear axle still wasn't quite level. Is this just the leafs being old and saggy still? Or could there be other problems. I don't think it's ever been in an accident, and the doors open and close easily and all other body lines seem pretty good, so I doubt it's a bent frame.
If it has super stock springs in the rear then it's normal. The rear axle will even hang differently side to side since the springs are arched differently.
I wouldn't doubt that it has them, this car has suprised me before. It would be the drivers side that sits a bit lower? Because it's really not by a whole lot. I'll look for a part number today.
Check the rear shackles, are they both in the same position?

If so, it could be a worn spring, or you need to adjust the torsion bar.

How long did the car sit without the engine in? It could be it just needs to be driven and it might settle.

Or has it always been that way?
The first pic is of the right and the second is the left. As you can see there is over an inch difference in height.


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Check the rear shackles, are they both in the same position?

If so, it could be a worn spring, or you need to adjust the torsion bar.

How long did the car sit without the engine in? It could be it just needs to be driven and it might settle.

Or has it always been that way?

Rear shackles seem to be in the same position.

Currently the engine is out of the car still, and its been out for about 3-4 months now. Ever since I had the car I had a feeling it was sitting lower on the left rear, never measured till now though. But the car drove nice and straight and everything felt good so I didn't think anything of it.

Wore spring is no big deal, but I hope its that and nothing major...
Yeah. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it until you drop the engine back in.. You might be able to get that inch out just by a minor adjustment to the torsion bar, if the springs seem OK.

Is there any arch to them when sitting, or are they sorta flat?
Yeah. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it until you drop the engine back in.. You might be able to get that inch out just by a minor adjustment to the torsion bar, if the springs seem OK.

Is there any arch to them when sitting, or are they sorta flat?

Thats what I was thinking, should be able to mostly adjust that inch out. But I really just need to springs to last a bit longer, I'm going to put together an 8 3/4 soon to drop in, and ill put new leafs in as well.

There is a bit of an arch in them. But the air shocks are lifting the rear up quite a bit, wonder why they were installed....LOL Ill completely let the rear down and see how flat they are. But is it possible that one side could sag more than the other even with air shocks?
But is it possible that one side could sag more than the other even with air shocks?

Sure, if they are plumbed together. Typically when running air shocks in anything, they should each have their own supply line. Plumbed together with one air fitting can allow one shock to force air to the other.
Had the same problem, and when I took the rear end out I found that the bolt in the center of the leaf spring was broke. Got a new bolt from the spring shop and the car sits level again.
There is only one air supply so that could be one reason, and it is possible that something is broke, it looks like on the drivers side spring one of the leafs is a bit crooked in relation to the others, and thats the sagging side, so it would make sense.
I wouldn't doubt that it has them, this car has suprised me before. It would be the drivers side that sits a bit lower? Because it's really not by a whole lot. I'll look for a part number today.

Yes, the driver side will sit lower with SS springs so that the car levels out down the strip. Also, if they happen to be the 002 and 003 SS springs, they will have an equal amount of leafs, but the right side will have more arch. I remember the difference being around 1.5" from one side to another. It never bothered me though because those springs WORK.
When one corner goes up or down, the diagonal opposite corner goes the opposite way. for example Right front goes down left rear will go up.
We can correct about any stance issue with our torsion bar adjust.
Yes, the driver side will sit lower with SS springs so that the car levels out down the strip. Also, if they happen to be the 002 and 003 SS springs, they will have an equal amount of leafs, but the right side will have more arch. I remember the difference being around 1.5" from one side to another. It never bothered me though because those springs WORK.

Would have the right height difference for that. Where would the number be located? because I couldn't really see anything.

And yeah, I've heard that they do help the car hook pretty good, so with my new rear end I will probably put new ones in.
They are usually stamped on the end of one of the leafs. Usually one of the short leafs.
If the parts are such that the springs are the same side-to-side, see if you can borrow a set of wheel scales and check the corner wieghts front an rear. No telling if the front t-bars are adjusted the same....

Also, why not physically disconnect the air shocks and see what you get?

Have you carefully checked the shop floor for flatness? A low spot here and a high spot there can add up more than you think.
I dont see any numbers on them. So I think they are just saggy.

I have to adjust the t-bars anyways, it turns out the parts in my new motor are wayyy lighter than the old one so it sits too high.

I checked by putting jacks under the frame rails of the car and letting the rear axle down, it sags more to one side even then, but the side that sags more when the car is on the ground falls more when in there air. If that makes sense.

Seems like that leaf is softer and is the problem mainly.
super stock springs make the car sit 1" or so higher on the passenger side... this is normal.

when you launch the weight is transfered to the rear of the car, the front end comes up, and because of the spinning torsion of the engine, more pressure is applied to the passenger rear side. the whole purpose of SS springs is to make it so that when you are actually launching in a drag race, you launch level

they work fine. like Rob said the part numbers end in -002 and -003 more than likely
my 65 didn't sit level either. so I bought new springs, shocks, shackles. still sags on the driver side a little. some members told me the torsions bars could be adjusted to level the rear. it didn't help my situation.
I run a pair of the passenger side -002 Super Stock Springs and a one inch lowering blocks. Sits perfectly level and rides great. They are a perfect match for a one inch Firm Feel front torsion bars.

I run Koni's all around, one setting back from full stiff.

Get ride of the air shocks ASAP, and buy some Bilsteins. You'll never regret it. Stick some subframe connectors in there from US Cartool when you have a chance too. It will transform your car's ride. A front sway bar would help, but I've already spent enough of your money.

OR, you can go to a wrecking yard and grab a 1 1/2 to 2 foot long rear spring segment with a mild curve in it and add it to the side that sits lower. Use new U-bolts though, and get rid of the air shocks.
Check the leafs carefully to see if you can find a crack in one on the 'saggy' side.

If your car is a driving around car, going from the airshocks to Bilsteims will do as saidd above. If you only drive in straight lines, then not so much. Are you wanting the jacked-up-rear look of the airshocks?
I too had this issue. Mine ended up being worn out springs (they were completely flat) and I ended up just replacing them with a set of 6 leaf / 2" over stock springs from ESPO. Man, what a difference in ride and appearance! I love them.
Took a look at the leafs and there are numbers on both of them, but they are the same. The number is 03BE and 3572 beside it. I think they are just stock leafs, and probably just saggy so It's probably good to replace them anyways.