Dash dueling



Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
Reaction score
Anderson, SC
I purchased a dash cap from Year One and it does not cover my dash entirely on the lower corners. I spoke to Year One about it and they said that they shipped the right one for my application which is a 67 Ply Cuda. The guy told me that the company that makes them is DashCaps.com and he looked on the website and found that I indeed have the right one which is #918.


There is a member on here that has 67 cuda and has a dash cap from Year One installed on his car and it covers the entire dash. I asked him what Year One part number he has on his receipt and it is the exact same number. What?

So I called DashCaps and talked to a guy that says he has been dealing with dash caps for over 25 yrs and that they DO NOT MAKE A CAP FOR A 67 BARRACUDA! What! And that I will have to have my dash restored like at JustDashes.

The 68 dashes have a upper and lower so I'm thinking they sent me the upper part.

Does anyone have a clue on what is going on here?


Sounds to me like maybe Year One ASSUMED it was the same for all 3.......

I'm a bit at a loss...... I thought they were the same too...........

Bummer...........You gotta keep us posted on this one........ :read2:
Yup, Looks like a 68 only cap which is made from the same mold as the others then trimmed. factory goof got the wrong number on it ? Dunno
Just request a refund and buy from the ebay seller that has 67 correct with definition line across the top.
Yup, Looks like a 68 only cap which is made from the same mold as the others then trimmed. factory goof got the wrong number on it ? Dunno
Just request a refund and buy from the ebay seller that has 67 correct with definition line across the top.

What do you mean by "definition line across the top"?
The correct cap has a little line across the top that defines it as 67.
That line disappeared in later model caps that are otherwise identical excluding 68 ofcourse.
So the cap in the pic is everything else year model (no line) with a 68 end cut. Hope that makes sense.
The correct cap has a little line across the top that defines it as 67.
That line disappeared in later model caps that are otherwise identical excluding 68 ofcourse.

OK thanks Ben. I will look for it. This is not what I expected with the dash cap.
Well I talked to Walter at Year One today and gave them my order number and my buddies (member on here) order number back when he ordered his dash cap. Walter said that my order somehow got "boxed" wrong and that he is sending me the correct dash. So I hope this is the right one this time. We shall see.

Now don't forget about the guy with over 25 yrs experience at DashCaps that told me they do not make a dash cap for a 67 cuda. LOL
Well I talked to Walter at Year One today and gave them my order number and my buddies (member on here) order number back when he ordered his dash cap. Walter said that my order somehow got "boxed" wrong and that he is sending me the correct dash. So I hope this is the right one this time. We shall see.

Now don't forget about the guy with over 25 yrs experience at DashCaps that told me they do not make a dash cap for a 67 cuda. LOL

Did he say what he had 25 years experience in? :toothy10:
Did he say what he had 25 years experience in? :toothy10:

He sounded like he was the owner and operator of the Dash Caps actually. His wife answered the phone and then after I confused the heck out of her he came on the phone. That's what it sounded like to me anyways.
Maybe he emptied trashcans or worked in the mail room.

Ha! My old boss (president of the company) use to answer the phones after hours... sometimes telling people he was just a janitor and to call back in the morning.
The 68 dashes have a upper and lower so I'm thinking they sent me the upper part.
The 'lower' part of a '68 setup actually is a separate part. It forms a shelf on the bottom of the dash. Not part of the upper pad at all.
The 'lower' part of a '68 setup actually is a separate part. It forms a shelf on the bottom of the dash. Not part of the upper pad at all.

I didn't know that. I have never seen the "shelf" on a Barracuda and if I did I was not paying attention. I'm curious of what it looks like now.
Well I talked to Walter at Year One today and gave them my order number and my buddies (member on here) order number back when he ordered his dash cap. Walter said that my order somehow got "boxed" wrong and that he is sending me the correct dash. So I hope this is the right one this time. We shall see.

Now don't forget about the guy with over 25 yrs experience at DashCaps that told me they do not make a dash cap for a 67 cuda. LOL
Good luck neighbor. Whether it has the extra line impression or not will be interesting. It's something only a judge would notice. No big deal.
Their was an ebay seller who had them. I honestly don't know if they are still available or who made them.
Good luck neighbor. Whether it has the extra line impression or not will be interesting. It's something only a judge would notice. No big deal.
Their was an ebay seller who had them. I honestly don't know if they are still available or who made them.

I searched ebay high and low and couldn't find it. I hope they will have it here before the weekend. Took half the day before Year One got back with me telling me what was going on.
A couple years ago I bought one from Year One for my 68 and when it arrived it had the step in it like a 67 and did not fit. YO has carried the correct one at one time. Here`s a pic of the 67 dash pad.

IM000342 (Medium).JPG

IM000343 (Medium).JPG
Glad they got you fixed up.
When I ordered mine, I talked to Walter.
Got the right cap, but with scratches, decided to keep it since I really did not care to send it back and play more logistics games.

He has been the only guy I ever talked to at Year-None, in the numerous dealings I had with them, that seemed like he knew what he was talking about.
Every other time I got cave man type order takers with the personality of an underpaid, low seniority, union baggage handler.

Advice to first time Year-None callers.

1.Make sure you have the catalog in front of you with the part # in plain view.

2. Make sure you have them check while you are on the phone with them that the part is indeed in stock.

3. Don't fall for their sales tactic that "We will be getting them in next week, that's B.S!

4. These same rules pretty much apply to any vendor you deal with, so get the name of the person you talk to.

5. I have even went so far as to have my own recording on a small tape recorder that I pressed play when I finally got a salesman on the phone that said "This call may be recorded for quality control." LOL!

It kinda freaks them out a bit especially if they don't have one of their own recordings and it seemed like it helped, but if not, it sure felt good to shake them up a bit ha, ha.

Gosh, I'm evil sometimes.
I know this aint helping now. I searched here and there this morning and only found the photo from the ebay listing in my saved stuff folder.

The pic is dated Jan. 07 been a while :(
After noticing what appeared to be a line across the cover I verified this to be 67 correct and had a deal worked out to get 2 shipped in 1 box for 140.00 total. DeMonIVR project was drinking my funds at that time so I couldn't follow through.

If you notice the part number on each cap is the same but they are different caps!

No wonder! It does not have anything to do with Year One because the number on the dash is used by Accu-Form not Year One. So IMHO it is DashCaps or Accu-Form that screwed up.



No matter what you think of Year One they have very good customer service and prompt shipping.

I'm not bad mouthing Year One. In my last post I said that Year One had nothing to do with this mistake. I have always enjoyed dealing with Year One because I have never had a problem with them until this.
I wasn`t referring to you Mullinax or myself when I wrote that. I`ve heard many people poo-poo YO but I`ve always had good experiences with them.
I agree with Longgone. I have ordered quite afew things from YearOne. And between what I ordered, the catalog # and what arrived have been at times, not correct. But their customer service dept. have normally done a good job to make it right.