Deadbeat seller


deadly dart

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
deltona, fl
Paid for a 72 Dart tailight lens from a Bobby Wilbanks who has a yard he calls "All About A Bodies" He says he shipped the part 3 weeks ago. I cannot get a call through to him. He does not answer his phone and his mail box is full and not accepting messages. He does not answer e-mail either. Watch out for this guy, he is prowling more than this site looking for parts buyers that he can scam. His place is in Missouri.
Just got a pm from a guy on the bigblockdart site that has had the same problem with this guy. He lives about 15 miles away from him and has offered to drive there to make contact. Hope we all get his attention.
Those won't matter if you can't get hold of the seller. Only the seller can file a claim with the shipper.

True but if there was a tracking # or delivery confirmation given somewhere in the transaction, at least you could check it yourself to 1) see if it were valid or not and 2) if valid, there could have been a misrouting of some sort. Granted, if you can't get ahold of this person, that is one thing but if there was some sort of tracking # given and it was good then you might be able to track its whereabouts. Deadly Dart said he was prowling other sites for future victims and if he saw him doing it recently/after the fact, then he probably is a shyster and should be strung up by his nads. I will keep a lookout for this guy's name to pop up on other sites.