definitely the best way to sell a car ever.

It is funny, but would you buy it if there was a "normal" ad for the same car, options, etc for the same price? Doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would baby a car, or do maintenance, or even wipe the spooch of the seat.
I wouldn't buy it, but the ad is awesome. He kind of looks like John Cusack.

In the words of the 2nd to last current worthless generation. That ownz.

You can't let the swearing bother you. if you owned that thing you'd be shocked at the words coming out of your own mouth.


"This car will get you so many girls. Not weak *** girls. Strong ones. To open jars and ****. "

I don't think it's considered plagiarizing when you clearly state at the bottom that it is not your work... :sign10:

Academically yeah it wouldn't be plagiarizing. You're "citing your work" ha ha.

I love part about "not weak girls, strong girls, to open jars and ****."
This is funny as all hell! haha, I think I'll try this when I sell my next car but without all the f-bombs in it.
funny, I never wanted a ford tauris before, now I want to buy it and play GTA IV for real
When I quoted "Originally Posted by bluedart:
If you guys read through the whole thing, you'll find he's plagiarizing."... Did I just plagiarize your work on accident? Please don't have me locked up!
SOLD! He had me at lens flair. I should buy that POS and drive it into his living room and then toss him back the keys.
Manly Bike for Sale

Date: 2008-07-22, 10:18AM PDT

Bike for sale

What kind of bike? I don't know, I'm not a bike scientist. What I am though is a manly guy looking to sell his bike. This bike is made out of metal and kick *** spokes. The back reflector was taken off, but if you think that deters me from riding at night, you're way wrong. I practiced ninja training in Japan's mount Fuji for 5 years and the first rule they teach about ninja biking is that back reflectors let the enemy know where you are. Not having a rear reflector is like saying "**** YOU CAR, JUST TRY AND FIND ME".

The bike says Giant on the side because it's referring to my junk, but rest assured even if you have tiny junk that Giant advertisement is going to remain right where it is. I bought this bike for 300 dollars from a retired mercenary that fought in both World War 1 and World War 2 and had his right arm bitten off by a shark in the Phillipines while stationed there as a shark handler. When he sold it to me I had to arm wrestle him for the honor to buy it. I broke his arm in 7 places when I did. He was so impressed with me he offered me to be his son but I thought that was sissy **** so I said no way.

The bike has some rusted screws, but that just shows how much of a bad *** you are. Everyone knows rusted screws on a bike means that you probably drove it underwater and that's bad *** in itself. Those screws can be replaced with shiny new ones, but if you're going to go to that trouble why not just punch yourself in the balls since you're probably a dickless lizard who doesn't like to look intimidating.

The bike is for men because the seat is flat or some **** and not shaped like a dildo. If you like flat seated bikes you're going to love this thing because it doesn't try to penetrate your *** or anything.

I've topped out at 75 miles per hour on this uphill but if you're just a regular man you'll probably top it out at 10 miles per hour. This thing is listed as a street bike which is man-code for bike tank. The bike has 7 speeds in total:

Gear 1 - Sissy Gear
Gear 2 - Less Sissy Gear
Gear 3 - Least Sissy Gear
Gear 4 - Boy Gear
Gear 5 - Pre-teen Boy Gear
Gear 6 - Manly Gear
Gear 7 - Big Muscles Gear

I only like gear 6 and 7 to be honest.

Additionally, this tool of all immense men comes with a gigantic lock to keep it secure. The lock is the size of a bull's testicles and tells people you don't **** around with locking up your bike tank. It tells would-be-thieves "Hey asshole, touch this bike and I'll appear from the bushes ready to club you with a two-by-four".

Bike is for 150 OBO (and don't give me no panzy prices)
Update: I bought the car and it is just another Ford. BUT, the girl was in the trunk for some reason and she wasn't quite passed out (but almost) and she agreed to take some nude pics by my Fury station wagon....afterwards she puked inside the Taurus, I left them both in the Walmart parking lot. Wanna see them, become a Gold member and check out the Hot Mopar Babes *** thread!!! LOL LOL :snakeman: :toothy10: :bootysha:
Now THIS is nice!Much better than an ugly Taurus!An ad like this and I would take out a mortgage,lol
This kid will be famous after this I guarantee.

I wonder if his sister charged him for the photo.??????

Oh wait, I did not make a racist remark did I?