Dell's Auction



Moderator and forum fixer
Staff member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
If you have transactions pending for Dell's auction let's get them buttoned up. If you sent something and haven't heard that it arrived, drop the winner a note. We don't want any loose ends. Thanks.
Everything I donated that was won and wanted has been sent and delivered.
Not sure if it’s just me or ? But I’m in the mindset that the winner should be getting in touch with the one who donated the item.
In my case, I gave tracking numbers to both, one let me know he got it.
I don’t think it’s my responsibility to check on the other guy.
Maybe I think differently than some.
Just let me take this to again thank all you guys, some I missed, I'm sure. THANK you!!

We now have the main floor emptied, but the walls not demolished. It is a problem getting people to show up and actually work. I've had about 4 completely flake out

The basement is ?? about 1/3 emptied, I have (had) a lot of stuff down there.