Dimpled Pistons?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Has anyone ever heard of this being used successfully and how is it not mainstream on cars today if it is so 'good'? A 5.9 Diesel (?) reported like 15% increase in torque and HP while decreasing NOx and CO by like 66% just by switching to a dimpled piston. Im going to be putting brand new flat tops in a motor and will hit the tops with a rock hammer a few times if it will decrease my NOx and CO levels! The contrasting pistons both had the same hours on them to show the superior combustion of the dimpled pistons. The dimples are supposed to set up a 'boundry layer' of turbulent air that keeps the fuel atomized and minimizes it contacting the piston crown where it would not burn as efficiently as seen in the blackened pistons pulled from the same motor.

Research "Karman vortex edis". nothing new, been done decades ago. A new version recently, shaped more like "scallops" is being offered on a piston.
Back in the 90’s GM experimented with what looked likes BB’s impregnated into the top of the pistons for the same effect.
But found square cubes of the same size worked better but over short time the corners melted off and negated the effect.
I did not understand how those corners did not cause pre- detonation. But compression was so low it probably did not matter.
Don't get too crazy with the "lightening holes" lol.