dip stick tube removal ?

To remove the tube, - Put either a 5/16,, or 3/8 bolt,, (which-ever is the best fit,, I've forgotten) into the top of the tube,, (to stop it collapsing),, and firmly clamp vice-grips or similar onto top of tube ..,, twist and pull...

To re-install,, slip a 3/8 or 7/16 box end over the tube ( again, - forgetten which),, slide it down to bulge,, gently tap on the wrench next to the tub till it seats,, at times I've used the open end as well..

If tube is loose,, lightly tin it with solder, if nec, sand to fit..

To remove a broken tube,, use a large self tapping screw/lag bolt, in a slide hammer.. without s/hammer, just keep tightening till it stops threading and turns the tube,, then twist and pull with vice-grip, or similar...

hope it helps
The twist and pull method started a crack on mine but lightly tapping up on the vise grips got it out.
I've ran into this issue several times in the past. I've tried a few different removal options, the only one I had very much success with was to carefully insert an EZ-Out aka screw extractor, lightly tap it with a hammer to get it seated and clamp a pair of vise grips on the hex end. spray the dipstick tube base with some penetrant and carefully twist the EZ-Out while pulling upwards with mild pulling force. It should wiggle it's broken *** right out. Just my thoughts on it, best of luck dude.
He didn't say it was broken, just asked how to get it out without breaking it.