Disc or Paper



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Jun 24, 2007
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I was wondering how many of you have got manuals on disc and how many have the hard copies (old school) manuals.

I want to update/expand my resources.
I only have one manual on disc at the moment (1970/71) Mopar Master Parts Book).
And a few various paper reference manuals (quite a few, but never too much).
I kinda like the disc idea (as far as won't rip or stain, easy storage...), but searching through it is somewhat of a pain (XN viewer), but 1/2 the price of printed copies.

Any of you purchased manuals on disc ? Like em ?
I haven't had a copy of both disc and print to compare.

Is it time for a PC in the cave?

What do you all think ?
Same manual as you..paper...I kinda like the paper...fast to find items...having the disc would be nice if I can locate it first in the paper manual and then print a fast copy to get dirty/throw away...hence keeping the manual clean!

Paper for me. I like to have it out there with me for reference. I could print out a copy from a CD but it seams like I am allways fliping through a few different books all the time.
I simply find the disc I have is hard to search, I can find it faster in a paper copy.
Are most discs that difficult to search?
I simply find the disc I have is hard to search, I can find it faster in a paper copy.
Are most discs that difficult to search?

I have not seen one that is not a pain to look for stuff in yet. When I was in the Navy they took all the manuals and put them on disc. It sucked! We had all this work to do but insted of doing it we were siting at a computer trying to find the right page. And the pages would take forever to load. So we printed out all of them on paper then put them in a binder. All was well after that.
I have the 72 Demon on disk. I find it very easy to use. The only thing is the scanning was not the best.

I also have my Ram 1500 on disk. Also very easy.

paper...i find its easier- just take it with you when your out working on it and find what you need...I dont think having it on a disc would be as handy if you know what i mean
I got an old 71 servise manual. Both mechanical and elect.Books.
It's a couple years off but still works for me.
It's good to have it so you can takr it out in the garage with
Original books for my 72 Swinger, a little grease stains but I am old school.
The paper copies are getting harder to find and $.
Anyone else tried disc?
My new stuff is on disc. But like most of the others it's harder to find info you are looking for. And yup I got my old computer in the garage. As I found out its good to put clear rap on the key board, there arn't good with dirt!
Word of warning, Mother Mopar hates it when the FSM and other copywritten stuff moves around without them gettign a cut. I have stuff I'm willing to share, and stuff I'm interested in getting, but its best if done on private message or email.
I have my '72 on Disc. I don't have a problem finding stuff. I have my '99 Dakota in paper. In the shop it's easier with the book, you need it, it's there. With the disc, I have to plan ahead and maybe print the appropriate pages out the night before. That's nice having done that, I only have those pages I need and no looking when I should be wrenching.
My books at home are all paper manuals. I really don't have time to fart around with disc info. I have a Mitchell program at work for the mechanics they seem to like it, it seems well organized.
We have many very greasy paper manuals... quicker to find things... dont have to leave the garage. Yep, I will always be "old school" in that respect
For me it's just like they ask at the grocery store...Plastic or paper



My choice is always Paper..........LOL

Have not had a manual on CD, but I'm also challenged by the computer daily.
I have two factory manuals. I have an old greasy one for the garage and for when I go to get something serviced--for the benefit of the mechanic who was born 20yrs after my car was, and one super clean one for use in the house for reading/reference. Wait long enough on Ebay and one will pop up for a reasonable price!
I think the CD ones are better. I have my 1970 Plymouth FSM on CD as a .pdf file (Adobe Acrobat) and the file works great. The main table of contents are actually links that you can click on that will jump you right to the beginning of the section you want to look at; then you just look at the table of contents for that section and type in the page number at the bottom and press "enter". Sounds a bit confusing but actually only takes a few seconds. Once you find what you're looking for you can just print out whatever pages you need and bring them out to the garage with you. The best part is you can get the pages dirty or lost or ripped and just go print out another one in a couple seconds.