Disposing of old gasoline?



Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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What's the best way to dispose of old gas? My Barracuda has been on jackstands nearly 2 years and I'm getting close to getting it back on the road. When I put it on jackstands I only figured it would a month or 2. Lack of motiviation and other factors kept me from working on it.

Anyway, there's probably a 1/4 tank of old fuel in the tank and I don't know what to do with it. When I used to work at an automotive shop, I could just dump it in the 55 gallon drum of used oil and it would get diluted, but i don't work in that field anymore. Ideas? I'm about ready to get it back on the road.
If you have a later model car (daily driver?) with fuel injection, I'd just pour it a few gallons at a time into that & burn it. Filter out the crud when you pour it in. The computer can probably deal with it.
Back in the old days, I would have used the old gas for "boy scout water" to light a camp fire! You could consider safely burning it off a little at a time in a pail of sand. You see refinery stacks all over the place burning of the sour gas so that might be the most environmentally friendly method or run it through the lawnmower.
I am figuring you have about 3 1/2 gallons.
About 10 to 12 dollars worth.
I would not possibly plug a filter or an injector with it.
Lawn mower first or have fun with an ant or mole hill with it,
these new fuel pumps and there fancy little sock style filters that are attached to them would cost way to much for labor and parts for me to put it in a car, Just be careful and mark the gas can "Lawn mower only"
Just my pennies worth.
Check your local trash dump convenience center. The one I take my trash,oil, etc has a drum just for gas and oil mixed with gas as well as oil only drum.
Also I think that most bulk fuel/oil dealers will take it so that it can be recycled, though if you mix it with your oil then it's toxic and it may cost you some money to get rid of.

I'd use it in the lawn mower if it will burn it.
Your local government may collect household "hazardous waste", mine does. It keeps folks from pouring stuff like that down the drain.

lawn mower seems like the best way to get your money out of it,,, DONT PUT THAT IN YOUR INJECTED CAR,,,
If it is just old and not dirty, I'de dilute it with good gas an run it in my 318 Dart rather than a new car.
I run two fuel filters anyway.
Old gas will give you fits in a lawn mower though.
I've had to get rid of some and put fresh in before one would run.
(Or was that a chain saw? Nope, I think it was a mower).
Thanks for the replies, guys. All of my other cars are injected and I've dealt with leaky injectors on my Z28 already, so I won't run it in any of my cars. I don't think the lawnmower deserves it, either. I checked with the local hazardous waste disposal and they take old gasoline. I just have to buy a cheap gas can to put it in, I guess.
When I was growing up my neighbor used to light the charcoal in his BBQ using a baby food jar amount of gas. He'd pour it over the charcoal, let it sit about 30 seconds, then stand back and throw a match to it! Man, you could be in the house next door and hear the 'whump' sound when that lit off.
'Could be used as a solvent, seems like a waste just to give it away...
'Could be used as a solvent, seems like a waste just to give it away...

Not a chance! My former boss knew a guy who was cleaning parts in his garage with gas. It caught fire because of the water heater pilot light and he tried to take the pan outside. It spilled all over him and he's scarred for life.

Let's see, 15 - 20 bucks worth of gas vs. the potential for a lifetime of disfigurement. Hmmm...
I'm dissapointed in you guys. Surely you have a neighbor you don't like that needs something wrote/burned in his nice lawn. Here in Missouri we use that kind of stuff to lite dozer decks and brush piles or to set field fires to destroy ticks. You people must live in some city. Good luck on your problem. Do like cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation. Pour it in the gutter. Someone will happen along with a lit cigarette.
When we started the restoration on the 72 it had just about a full tank. 3 years later I have 3 5 gallon gas cans with 3 year old brown gas in them that I use for cleanning parts, the concrete floor, my hands, anything. It also saved me when I first got my 73 dart and found out that the fuel gauge is off by about an 1/4 of a tank and I was late for work. I filtered some into a can with an old shirt and it got me out the driveway and to the gas station.
When I was growing up my neighbor used to light the charcoal in his BBQ using a baby food jar amount of gas. He'd pour it over the charcoal, let it sit about 30 seconds, then stand back and throw a match to it! Man, you could be in the house next door and hear the 'whump' sound when that lit off.

Hope you didn't eat too many burgers off THAT grill ...