Do NOT Miss This Video ... Two Genuine Classics

She is a Great Lady to still be driving her Packard like she does.
She sure is sharpe for 101, and I love her attitude and affection for her car!
I love the sticker she had! "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill!" It would be exciting to sit down and have a real conversation with this gal. I am overwhelmed just thinking about all the history that she has lived through. What an amazing lady!
I worked as an IT contractor in Plymouth Michigan about about 18 years ago. A few of went to lunch at a place called the "BOX" bar ( great burgers by the way ...of at leas back then LOL) we came walkin out at a lil after 1:30 and started to head back to where we were parked....

Around the corner comes this stunning cream colored Packard with a lil old lady driving it!! she went around the circular park in downtown Plymouth and pulled up in front of a tiny antique store parallel parked that Packard like it was part of her and did it in "one shot." got out of the car and went into the store.

I could not resist, walked across the park, crossed the street and was 5 feet from an absolutely amazing piece of Detroit history!!! The car was flawless and all ORIGINAL!!! I waited for Mrs. Dunning to exit the antique shop and approached her smiling ( I have to do that because I am a rather intimidating sized man ) She pleasantly smiled back and I took the cue.....

I walked up to her and used an old Jimmy Cagney line " hey toot's whadaya here whadaya say?" She immediately started laughing, so I played a lil more..."how's about you & me jump in that rig and go cut a rug?".....She told me that I had a way with words and was laughing the whole time.

I introduced myself and told her she was very charming to accept an old line like that from a guy like me.... she said I watch OLD movies all the time, but I am surprised a handsome youngster like you even knows about those movies they are all from the 30's!!! TEAM I am here to tell the ripe young age of 40, I was not at all accustomed to being called a "youngster" for quite some time!!! took me completely off guard and I blushed...BIG TIME!!....She said it has been quite a while since I was able to make a young man blush like that and I kinda like it. I let go with MORE 30's lingo..."From an ACES Doll like you.., a guy'd have ta be crazy" She said I was a very nice man and said I'll bet your more interested in the car than how about lets take a tour!!!

I smiled and said lead the way!! she spent almost an hour showing me every option and nuance that Packard had. She told me of the innovations that the car had from back then AND SHE LET ME SIT IN IT!!!! HOLY CRAP!!! the seats were made of thick red leather and the stitching work was off the charts, the interior was about as luxurious as a 1930's car could be, the rumble seat was just crazy cool and the box on the back of the car is the trunk and it is a trunk!!! with leather belts and all!!!

It is kinda cool to see that after 18 years she is still kickin *** and drivin that 8 ton beast around town..... She was as nice as nice could be to me and took time out from her day to show me her car....... I remember thinking as I got back into MY car ( over an hour and a half late from lunch) I hope I am as enthusiastic and mobile as she was , when I am her age... she told me she was in her 80's but that a girl never tells her exact age!!!

That charming lady & amazing her car put a smile on my face that I could not WIPE off for a week!!!

Thanks for the memory Lee!!! made my day!
Thanks, what an interesting lady. Amazing too she looks like she would be in her '70's, not 101.
what a great video and also your story of meeting such a lady there 66cuda,there's a lot of history there,the lady and her car,surprised me when she said she was 101,wouldnt think her to be more than 70.
She knows how to drive that car.
I hope I can still push in a clutch at 70.
Thanks for posting.
I wonder if she restored the car herself? There was another picture of her in another car.