I drive mine
everywhere. My Duster and Challenger are my only running cars, the '74 is the newest car I own. I love them both, and I do all of my own work, so there's a lot of blood, sweat and tears in them. You better believe I'd be PISSED if something did happen to them.
But they're cars. The fun part about them isn't having them, it's
USING them. They're meant to be driven, they're meant to be enjoyed. If driving your car isn't enjoyable for you because you're too worried about what might happen to it in the parking lot, it's time to sell and buy a Honda. Or get over it. There is nothing worse in this hobby than garage/trailer queens. No matter what happens to my cars, I know that I can fix it- if it's fixable. If it's not, I'll take my insurance money and buy another one to fix. Obviously I wouldn't want anything to happen to any of my cars. But that's the reality of driving them, things can and will happen. But I'm not going to let the possibility of something happening to them stop me from enjoying them. I mean, I get to drive an old Mopar musclecar pretty much every day. How awesome is that?!

Yes, I take a little more time in the parking lot to make sure I'm not crammed into some spot with only 3 1/2" to someone else's door. I don't really worry about someone trying to steal it, the average car thief couldn't even drive the damn thing with it's 16:1 manual steering, tuff wheel and 275's, manual brakes, 4-speed with ceramic clutch, etc. That would be the annoying part, coming out and finding that someone
tried to steal my car and only made it 10 feet before they hit something because they couldn't turn the 275's up front far enough to get out of the parking lot. :violent1:
Alarms are pretty much useless. All they do is annoy people, and no one actually pays attention to them anymore. Better off with an ignition kill switch to the coil or similar. If they can get around that, they're stealing it regardless. Mine doesn't need an alarm anyway. If someone starts it up, I can just listen for the sound of my exhaust and every car alarm that's within a hundred feet of my car because they'll be going off too.