Just posting the info on the link in case of it disappearing>
A couple people have contacted me on how to do this. The harnesses used are Metra 70-8901. They are for 1990-2006 Subaru vehicles and you will need 2 of them. They can be found on
eBay or Amazon for around $10/each. They will look like this:
First take you connectors and label one A and the other one B. This will help in ease of wiring. The connectors should have the pin numbers labeled on the connector. The chart below will help you connect them together. If you want to keep the amount of wires down remove all the unnecessary wires. *Note* This will work for 1999 models. Don't know about other years.
Connector A-----------------------------Connector B
Pin 1---Remove
Pin 2---Remove
Pin 3---Remove
Pin 4---Violet---------------------------Pin 8---Gray w/BLK
Pin 5---Green---------------------------Pin 12---Violet w/BLK
Pin 6---Yellow--------------------------Pin 10---Red
Pin 7---Remove
Pin 8---Remove
Pin 9---Remove
Pin 10---Red-----------------------------Pin 3---White
Pin 11---Black----------------------------Pin 9---White w/BLK
Pin 12---Violet w/BLK---------------------Pin 2---Gray
Pin 13---Green w/BLK---------------------Pin 4---Violet
Pin 14---Blue-----------------------------Pin 11---Black
That should leave you with something looking like this:
Before you can put the connector you will need to shave a little bit off the middle dividers in the middle of the plugs. They should look like the picture below.
The stock amp is located in the passenger kick panel. It should just be clipped on. Remove that panel. You will see the amp tucked up there. Remove the 2 connectors going into it.
Now plug connection A into the larger connector and plug connection B into the smaller connector. Now put the kick panel on. Now you should have effectively bypassed the stock amp.