Dodge Viper Pulverized

Ouch wonder what it was caught doing as they have 4 more to crush. Painful to see em dig into a 10K hood :( .
ugh, punishing the car for the owners stupidity. I can't stand people.
Ouch wonder what it was caught doing as they have 4 more to crush. Painful to see em dig into a 10K hood :( .

Well there's really only one thing I can think of that would land a Viper in that situation.

The owner was driving really really fast...and got caught.
I just don't see how this could benefit anyone or anything. Massive stupidity right there is all I can make of it. It should have been sold rather than destroyed. Just as well set a giant stack of cash up in flames. :wack:
Anyone know why this took place?
Yeah.....the Gov't here are into crushin cars too......make 'em in to cubes.
This is the TV ad they are running these days.........

Such waste when almost all major municipalities are in the red. They could be sold to recoup some cost. I understand their point, but for something so valuable, it's stupid as all hell. Retarded even.
Sell the freakin car at auction and donate the money or use it for the municipality.
This is just pure stupidity.
Or maybe donate to a high school auto collision/auto mechanics program. Great tool to recruit and train kids for the automotive industry.
So sad, the first car I would buy if I won the lotto would be a Viper GTS coupe...that's tough to watch....the worst is the end when they "kill" the V-10 :banghead:

My guess is the cars were donated by Chrysler for school and had to be destroyed....we had cars like that from GM in high school, when the school was done using them or they were outdated, they had to go right to the crusher, had almost 0 miles on them too.
My guess is the cars were donated by Chrysler for school and had to be destroyed....we had cars like that from GM in high school, when the school was done using them or they were outdated, they had to go right to the crusher, had almost 0 miles on them too.

Hmmm, didn't know that automakers did that. Makes sense though as that's why it seemed there were several teenagers there videoing it.
Isn't there a county in california that if you are caught street racing sentences you to watching your car be destroyed? I remember hearing something to that effect.
Yes, I remember watching a youtube vid that showed 3 or 4 of em with nice paint jobs, wheels, and engine mods getting put in the crusher. I think its L.A. that does that. Probably more now as well.
If they are involved in any accident from factory to dealer they are disposed of or donates where the school cannot sell or use it as a road vehicle. Learning purposes only.

In the old days if a train car carrying cars derailed, the cars were buried along the right of way even if there was no apparent damage to the cars.
Judging by the paint burned off of the hood, I would say that it was probably totalled by the insurance company and to prevent any further loss the insurance company decided to destroy the vehicle. This happens to flood vehicles also.
if this was some law where you were caught racing or going too fast your car got crushed id say screw it if anyones gonna crush my car its gonna be me im running lol
I bet it was court ordered that you had to video your car being demolished. Anyone else notice the guys name written on the passenger side headlight?
I bet it was court ordered that you had to video your car being demolished. Anyone else notice the guys name written on the passenger side headlight?
Yep noticed "Steve" on the passenger side headlight also.


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According to the information posted with the video on Youtube, these are cars that were donated by Chrysler to high school and college auto shops. Supposedly a kid at one of these schools stole one of the cars and was killed, so Chrysler ordered all of them to be destroyed. There apparently was a rep from Chrysler there watching the Vipers be crushed, just so he could verify that there was not a single salvageable part left. Of course it could also just be typical automaker douchebaggery as well.

I do remember hearing about a school in Washington State that was fighting Chrysler to save the car they'd been using. From what I remember, it was not a production Viper, but a prototype. I think it was the fourth Viper ever built. Last I heard they had managed to save it, for now.