Does this sound like a bad ignition switch?



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score
orlando FL
Ok so I've had most of the strange electrical problems like everyone, but yesterday on the way home (in the rain) I clicked on the wipers and nothing. Luckily I was about 2 minutes from home, but when I got there and shifted into park the radio cut out for a second and came back on. Now the wipers worked when I left for work and half of the way home, and they worked this morning for one wipe, then dead. So does this sound like an ignition switch with bad connections?
Maybe, but I'd do more investigation before tearing the column apart. I have an old D100 pickup with a switch that doesn't fully return to the run position after starting sometimes. Gauges and accessories don't work when that happens. Rotating the key backwards slightly towards the run position is usually all it takes for things to start working.
yesir you prolly guessed correct. Wait just long enough for it to fail again and hit a turn signal. If you loose power from ignition switch to fuse box (run side) EVERYTHING that should be hot in run position will be dead.
I kinda figured it to be the ign switch as it seems I have problems with all of the accessories powered from the run side. now that I think about it I have had intermittent problems with the a/c blower motor as well but I never put 2 and 2 together because until now I haven't run into issues with more than one accy at a time.