dog anxiety



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2010
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jacksonville fla
i have 3 boston terriers and one really took up with my now ex live in girl now every time i go to leave she freaks out a bit fortunatly i work overnite and i am able to take 2 dogs to work but since girlfriend isnt around no3 wants to go to i say no problem but after a couple of hours my 1 pup starts getting nervous then starts puking matter of fact 3 times on the way home tonight and i left work early because i felt bad for her any suggestions nothing crude these dogs are my kids thanks
i have 3 boston terriers and one really took up with my now ex live in girl now every time i go to leave she freaks out a bit fortunatly i work overnite and i am able to take 2 dogs to work but since girlfriend isnt around no3 wants to go to i say no problem but after a couple of hours my 1 pup starts getting nervous then starts puking matter of fact 3 times on the way home tonight and i left work early because i felt bad for her any suggestions nothing crude these dogs are my kids thanks
just wondering, was this the dogs first time in the car awake? Maybe it got motion sick
no she likes to ride occasionaly but normally a homebody but now nobodys home when i go to work and she dosent deal with being left alone well and i guess i should mention she was kicked in the head by a horse and she is kinda special now , shes a wonderful pup she is just a bit needy but still a great pup i hate leaving her home but its getting difficult to deal with when she freaks out and starts puking its definetley nerves like i said she really took to my ex and now she dont live here no more so she is a bit freaked out more than normal
I have 2 pit bulls, and when they start acting up in the house to much, I give them cheap sleeping pills(benedryl). Not sure if its politically correct but it works great, Oh and I love my dogs, there my babies, and there much cuter when there asleep.
i can dig it but its only 1 of my kids that i am having probs with check her out on, boston terrier swinger, she is special thats on youtube but she is still one of my kids
My Boxer has cost us a small fortune due to this problem, they LOVE their owners and I have a friend with a Boston and they are the same way. They just can't handle new surroundings or being away from their "pack" very well at all... Sorry I don't have a solution for you just wanted you to know you aren't alone. VET has told us same thing herschel said, puppy downers.
thanks bro igot rags to clean up her accidents im just wooried about her well being im sure you understand
she is also on we will see post i tried to post vid but had prob but member hooked me up i think its cool and i owe my bro for hookin that up
Believe me I understand, my boxer is like my kids, family. I can have the worst damn day and she will make me smile every time! :)
When you leave, don't make too much of a fuss about it. Dogs pick up on our facial expressions and if we look sad they get anxiuos. I tell my dogs "Be good dogs!" and leave right away.

Try that for a week and see if it helps.
What ramcharger said. I had a German sheperd that would loose her mind if we left for any time at all. I ended up stuffing dirty cloths in a pair of jeans, and putting then under a blanket with an wind up alarme clock(loud tick). She would curl up on the couch and sleep there till we got home.