Don't get it right, just get it running. 85 318 roller


Don't get it right, just get it running.​

Your thread, your words.
If the 302s clean up and look good with no major issues; then lap the valves in, throw some fresh valve seals on it, and button it up. You're losing sight of your original intent. This ain't supposed to be a 100k motor, just a solid coffee and ice cream getter that can squawk the tires when you so desire. Focus!
Just my opinion, but it's your money.

You're right.

The part I'm having a hard time with is not knowing if they "look good" without having them checked by the machine shop ($335) unless I can just clean them up and visually inspect? I just have never have inspected heads. I can remove the valves, but have never lapped in valves or replaced guides or seals.
That will make a nice engine with value in it, with the reman heads on it > plus roller cam block and all.

I see Autozone has those 2D31 reman heads in stock at their other stores in other states too, so they are around.

You're right.

The part I'm having a hard time with is not knowing if they "look good" without having them checked by the machine shop ($335) unless I can just clean them up and visually inspect? I just have never have inspected heads. I can remove the valves, but have never lapped in valves or replaced guides or seals.
how many miles were on the motor originally. while lo miles isn't a sure thing, it's a likely bet things are better than they are worse.

the FSM has the procedure and specs for checking the wibbly-wobblyness of the valves. or you could always roll some dice with giving them a little wiggle waggle and pop test at home.

guides, you're not going to be able to replace at home (at least not without special equipment). but lapping them in and dropping on seals is dead easy.

another option, depending on how your relationship is with the machine shop, is roll over there with your stuff and just be like: hey, i can get new heads for $500 can you guys give these a look and freshen them up where they need it for that much?

Don't get it right, just get it running.​

Your thread, your words.
If the 302s clean up and look good with no major issues; then lap the valves in, throw some fresh valve seals on it, and button it up. You're losing sight of your original intent. This ain't supposed to be a 100k motor, just a solid coffee and ice cream getter that can squawk the tires when you so desire. Focus!
Just my opinion, but it's your money.

I would re-ring it, dingle berry it, clean insides with a brush and gasoline, new valve seals. Slap it back together.

What they said. ^^^^^
Performance wise, no. Even more so with a 2.02 that will need to be ported to allow for the valve to actually be a benefit. The area under the valve has t change much at all and flow is impeded.

The 302 heads can be ported out very well for small displacement engines. With his 308’s ready to rock, that becomes the clear choice.

A 302 head is not the answer to anything unless it’s a stock rebuild or it’s heavily ported and heavy porting is what it will take.
Agree with everything you said for performance build.

I also would run whatever I had ready to go. I must have missed that part in the original post.

For a basic rering though if everything else is equal and you dont have another set of heads ready to run then there isnt any need to spend extra money to upgrade just the heads. Thats all i was getting at.
Agree with everything you said for performance build.

I also would run whatever I had ready to go. I must have missed that part in the original post.

For a basic rering though if everything else is equal and you dont have another set of heads ready to run then there isnt any need to spend extra money to upgrade just the heads. Thats all i was getting at.

LOL! You have been here long enough that I know you would put together a heck of a teen.
If you have some simple tools, you can check over the stock heads pretty well using the procedures in the FSM. If the valves are in decent shape and the guides aren't too loose, a simple lapping can go a long way - at least well enough to "get it running."








I'm back at it. Got the short block all done. Had this water pump laying around, from my old 340 (that's why it's orange) I put a flowkooler on that engine. I will probably paint it all one color once all together. We'll see.

All went well. A special thanks to @krazykuda for his how to SB tutorials. Sure made a nice reference as I was going along.

I still have a few lifters to clean. Not sure if the lifters will go in with the head on or not. If not, I'll have to wait until they're all clean. It's going slow, because I'm keeping them in order. (Cleaning one at a time)




Heads are on, still have a 6 lifters left to clean. Installed all the clean lifters and pushrods and lifter links. Balancer on.




Ok, I misplaced.the bolts that hold down the lifter guides. (Not sure what they're called) I found some short bolts that are the same thread. Does this look correct?

It was odd, because it doesn't sit flat, it has some tension on it with the bolts holding it down.

That's how it should be. That springy-ness is what holds the dog bones in place.

Sweet. I don't know what happened to the darn bolts. Bugs me. I had everything set aside just how it came out the motor. I had that piece soaking in chem dip and I swear I dropped the bolts in the mix also. Oh well. I have lots of Chrysler hardware floating around.
As long as the ones you used have enough thread engagement, you're good to go. Great progress!

Oh yea, no worries there. I'm going to prime it tomorrow (got to get a cheap gauge set) and then put the intake on and it should be ready to drop in the car soon.