Don't think bad of me but I was put in jail first time in my life. I am 52

The cops around where I live seem to be less and less concerned about actual crime and more and more concerned with people's cars being legal to the insurance companies standards. All kinds of crime are on the rise but the police would raher give out speeding tickets and stop in the tim hortons for coffee. lol I've seen a cop ignore a prostitute to give out a traffic ticket.

The ticket is about revenue...
yeah don't sweat it I spent 8 days in the Ingham County Jail waiting for a federal marshall to come to Lansing from Detroit to escort me to the border only to be released when my wife went to Detroit and showed INS they were wrong and I did have all my paperwork in order , sobs dumped me out in hicksville at 9 oclock at night in February with a check for the 900 in cash I had in my pocket when they scooped me up and no rural bus service at that time of night to get home ,lucky I had freinds in that town to drive me into Lansing or it would have been a cold 20 mile hike with no one at my place to answer the phone since they didn't know I was getting out that night
EVERYONE should spend at least a night in jail
ESPECIALLY lawyers, judges, politicians .....