Doughnut Gone Bad!


Bad Sport

Staff member
Legendary Member
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
The Wolverine State

I was on a job this afternoon, and a little truck came screaming down the road, whipped into the bank next door and attempted to do a doughnut, WHOOPS!
First time I saw "this deal" was about the mid 80's Some kid bought a nice Jeep from a friend of mine, had nice big Goodrich TAs on it. Came down into the "beach area" did a big huge sliding 360 turn, hit a little sand, built up some momentum sliding sideways, and then ran out of sand. Flopped right over on the driver's side, no seatbelt, big time road rash, and got part of his hand and foremarm under the side of the Jeep. (CJ, canvas top. May have had the doors off)

"Daddy" had bought the Jeep. Should've bought some driving lessons.
I saw the title and pictured a cop with a stale doughnut lol

I was picturing a guy wearing a great big donut from the waist up, naked from the waist down, running down the street carrying a knife chasing a cop. Is that sick or what.:razz::razz:

i was picturing a guy wearing a great big donut from the waist up, naked from the waist down, running down the street carrying a knife chasing a cop. Is that sick or what.:razz::razz:

rotflmao, And he was trying to tell the cop that he broke a leaf spring according to the tow truck driver who is an acquaintance of mine.