Doug's Headers in 64-66 A-Body



Feb 2, 2011
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Stafford, VA
Hello All

Looking to put my 66 Barracuda back on the road after 25 years +. Doug's advertises that their Part Number D450 fits with a 4-speed in the 273-360 configuration. My car is 340, with manual steering. Has anyone used Doug's in the early A-body configuration and was there any or much massaging required to gain clearance? I have not decided if I will stick with the standard throw-out bearing/Z-bar or go with the hydraulic set up. If anyone has worked through a similar project on the early A using Doug's, I would like to hear about the experience. I did review the earlier post related to the Doug's later A body header installation.
Have them in my 66 Cuda with power steering, 4 speed and a 10.5" clutch and the fit like a glove. I have the motor tied down to keep things where they belong, the torsion bar on the left side goes through the tubes, a snug fit depending on size of your bars, lots of ground clearance as they go over the steering.
Here you go, not the best quality only had my phone with me today


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Nice car, nice fit, nice photos! tmm
Yes, there is a mini starter in there, and it is very close to one tube.
One thing you guys will have to do that I forgot to mention is notch the passenger side of the trans cross member just downstream of the collector, this is not a big deal but needs to be done to enable the exhaust to come straight off the collector. If I have time tomorrow I will send you some pictures of what I did or maybe someone else has some pictures handy the could share.
looks like a very nice restoration and mods , neat and very clean luv to go bang some gears in that looks tight and right
I was just working on my 66 this weekend. They fit like a glove on my 360 w/ power steering, power brakes, 10.5 clutch.

Couple of note able items. You can use a standard late model 5.9 starter rather than a high dollar exotic. On the passenger side the header tubes come pretty close to the fuel and brake lines. I re-routed my brake line on that side and m going to put some heat shielding on the fuel line to keep the fuel temp down.
I've heard this d4 50 header works with a 904 transmission? I have a pushbutton car would like to use this header. Will it work?
I used the Dougs on my 65 Valiant with a 360. It was an auto, but I can say that those headers fit better than any I have ever installed, hands down. Installation is not terrible, as long as you follow the deestruckshuns. Also MAKE SURE you coat the slip fit tubes with high temp permatex. If you skip this step, the slip fit tubes will rust together permanently and the only way to remove them will be with a sawzall.
The D450 will work with all combos except I believe 727. I'm literally going out to my garage to stab the motor back in my 65 dart in the next 20 min. 360 with 904 but I'm going to run it in from the bottom with tranny hooked up then mate it to the K member. The headers have been a real ***** so far and I wish I went with the Sandersons. I don't like the way these Doug's fit. Where are you guys tying the motor down to? I would assume the K member to block right? I'm going to pick up some heim joints because I know when the motor torques over its going to rattle like hell on that torsion bar and piss me the F off. Any other input will be well appreciated before I start throwing tools.
What motor mounts are you using? I believe the Dougs D450 were made using the Schumacher mount conversion. That's what I had at least and they fit perfect.
I had to shim mine up to get the left header off the steering linking...itgfs still scrapes it so I might need to pound it in a bit
The Dougs have a 2.5" collector. I think the TTIs are bigger. So, if you plan on really running a lot of power say over 500 HP, the TTI might be the better choice.
I had to shim mine up to get the left header off the steering linking...itgfs still scrapes it so I might need to pound it in a bit

Yeah, bet um to pieces then. Makes perfect sense.
Here you go, not the best quality only had my phone with me today
I know this is an old post. But I just installed a 360 in my 64 cuda. I have Doug’s headers as well but having an issue with the torsion bar hitting the header after trying to install the bar into the hex receiver in the LCA. You torsion bar seems to high/ further away from the collector. I have Schumacher mounts. Did you use the same? My pads appear to be an inch to an inch and a half tall. TIA
I use the stock style mounts, not the Schumacher ones. I have heard of the problem you are having when installed with the Schumacher mounts. I have a turnbuckle tie down from the left side motor mount to block bolt to the cross member and have a bit of preload on it. This is important as you see it is tight when the engine is not running it gets worse when you get on it. I have a 1.14 torsion bar running through the tubes and it just barely touches on both sides. Getting the hex through tubes involves hitting the end of the bar with a dead blow, you probably wont get it through with out. I have run this set up for more than 20 years with no issues and have had them in and out many times. Try the stock mounts.
I’ve got the Hex head between the tubes. The problem is getting it set into the receiver on the LCA. Pipe is still in the way. I’m using 1.03 torsion bars and have tried the factory torsion bars as well. Same issue. Just looking at I know lowering the engine with thinner pads maybe the way to go but doubtful it will work.