Drill Bit Sharpener....



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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So does anybody make a decent one for the home DIYer that doesn't cost a ton? I have a lot of old dull bits I hate to just chunk in the garbage. Does anyone have the one from Harbor Freight for example? Thank you drive through.
I used a drill doctor. But Every drill bit I sharpened didn't work that good. Probably doing something wrong. My son used it a couple times and always got it to work
I used a drill doctor. But Every drill bit I sharpened didn't work that good. Probably doing something wrong. My son used it a couple times and always got it to work
I just bet I don't have any luck either. Story of my life. lol
Not cheap and I don't use it all that much, but I scored an old Atlas "jig" that bolts to the bench, using a bench grinder. THEY ARE expensive if you can find one, unless you get lucky at some dusty garage sale

Article on them, as well as the cheaper jigs such as General

My neighbor had a drill doctor I sharpened a whole box of old bits with. Worked good. When I was a bodyman I would resharpen my 1/8" bits I used for drilling spot welds for my blair cutter on a bench grinder. I got real good at it and just resharpen all of mine now on the bench grinder. I would say 1 out of 10 I messed up and had to redo.
The best way I found to get a sharp bit is take one from my sons box and replace it with mine. So much easier for me.
I tried bit sharpening a long time ago and just couldn't "get it".

A couple years ago, I started buying "cobalt" bits with built in pilot bits after going through about 15 "regular" bits in various materials such as black oxide, titanium, etc on a broken wrought iron gate hinge stud project.

The cobalt bit got the job done without dulling after a few minutes like the others.

They are expensive, but I find they last 5-15 times longer than the others.

I just scored an index of them on clearance price at HD.
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I too like to use a bench grinder and just free hand them

But, there is a learning curve, and if you like the pilot bits like YY1 mentioned, you are out of luck
Bench grinder and drill point gauge.

I also use the fine stone on the bench grinder.
Doing it that way lets me make the bit cut how I want it to.
Yeah well, sharpening on a bench grinder requires talent and skill, neither of which I possess.