Drive Safely Guys



Feb 10, 2010
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Guys this is a true story. Just sharing.

On Wednesday May 30, 9:10pm a body was shattered.

The body was that of my dear wife. She was just finishing up an evening jog with a friend when she was struck by a vehicle. It hit her and then ran over her, pinning her body beneath one of the tires.

Her friend was screaming at the driver but he was unaware there was anybody beneath the car.

Police and Emergency Medical personnel lifted the car from off her.
I was not yet aware of any of this as I was at home. Our 1 year old baby asleep in his crib.

Read more here
Very sad. Sorry to hear about this.

What has this world come to when jogging can kill you???

She will probably never recover completely and be the same as she was before the accident.

I hope that you can sue the crap out of those very neglegant drivers. They deserve it. Really, running over someone and not even knowing it???
Thanx for sharing this. I have sent this link to my friends and loved ones. This is a tragedy that never should have happened.
so sorry to hear this. I know how you feel. I lost my wife in an auto accident in '93. She lived 8 hours before passing. It was really hard trying to be a Mother and Daddy to the kids. Keep your chin up take care of the little one. Will be praying for your wife , you and everyone involved while she is recovering. Best of luck,Joe
..............Sorry to hear this.......i pray for your wife and your family and friends...hoping for a great
I hope the police charge this moron and put him in jail. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Our prayers are also going out to your wife and your entire family. May God keep you in His hands while He is mending this situation, and may He provide comfort to you and your family during this time of healing!!

My wife and I were also run down while riding bikes by a drunk driver in a stolen rental car while on our honeymoon back in 1991. My wife still has scars from all the roadrash!! Hope your wife is able to rest easy and has a full recovery!! Geof
Anything can happen out on the highway, I mean anything.

Driving can be fun, driving can be a nightmare.

Scares me so much when I seen joggers running on the shoulder. I like to slow down AND move over to the center if traffic is clear--so the drivers behind me hopefully do a heads up and wounder what is ahead.
Guys I'm not Aaron Paquette...this was his was his wife. I just decided to share it here since this is a car forum. I just hope everyone calm down when being provoke by another driver and also keep the focus on the road, not on your mobile or anything else.

Life is short and fragile. Let's take care of it.
For story update, check [ame=""]Aaron's facebook[/ame] page

His wife is going in and out of consciousness but can communicate and even scribble this
