Dryer sheets.....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Every year when it starts to get cold can;t help but notice several folk always bring up using dryer sheets as a way to deal with rodents. Do they need to be replaced during the course of the winter? When I first put them in/under the car could not help but notice the aroma when I walked into the garage, now I do not smell nuffin.....
Doesn't hurt to change them out during the winter (cheap insurance). I think the amount of moisture in the air effects the length of time they are good for.
Ink, when the smell begins to dwindle I change mine. It seems to keep the pesky little critters away for me.
I hope you all have better luck with the sheets than I do. I recently found this when I opened the trunk of my PT Cruiser 'vert. I had some in the interior, too.
Maybe MO mice are meaner or more persistent? :protest:


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The vehicles are all up on jack stands that are in oil filled trays. Local gearhead said he has never had a mouse problem doing this. I read about the dryer sheets and added them as well. But the seats and some other stuff is sitting in a room out there. I will be tossing some more around next trip out there. MOBodyman, that had to pi** you off. A while ago I pulled the airfilter out of the Exploder, the bottom of the air box was packed full of bird seed from our feeders......
MOBodyman, that had to pi** you off. A while ago I pulled the airfilter out of the Exploder, the bottom of the air box was packed full of bird seed from our feeders......

Yeah, I had one (or more) in there a year ago and thought I had finally gotten rid of them. I had another open box of Bounce in the front. Little grey bas****s chewed a hole in the leather shifter boot, too.
I've tried a new approach and haven't seen any signs yet. Pic of the solution below.


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Yeah, I had one (or more) in there a year ago and thought I had finally gotten rid of them. I had another open box of Bounce in the front. Little grey bas****s chewed a hole in the leather shifter boot, too.
I've tried a new approach and haven't seen any signs yet. Pic of the solution below.
When all else fails......
I have to ask this but is poison considered inhumane? I mean more so than getting crunched on by something twenty times your size?
Ive tried the moth balls and dryer sheets and bars of soap and some strange shaped fruit thing, none seem work but i have had good luck with Fresh Cab Rodent Repellent http://www.earth-kind.com/
Kinda smells like a hippy but i haven't seen and mice this year.
I have a cat. Kinda works like a dryer sheet, but ya have to feed it. lol

She's worth it, though.
What you need to try is cloves.
They are used for making beets, you can find it in a bulk store or a food store.
Put a small hand full in a empty plastic container and punch large holes in the top, this is to contain it so it can be used for years. I place one on the floor in the front, rear and one in the trunk.
I have used it in my cars and boats, works great. No Mieces! LOL

if you only had one sheet in the car, it wasn't enough...I have 1/2 a box in each of my cars...also Bounce have different levels of smells, make sure u get the one that smells the most
I have to ask this but is poison considered inhumane? I mean more so than getting crunched on by something twenty times your size?

Poison isn't good because before they die they crawl into a place you'll never find like up under the dash...and then they die...and stink.

I had a mouse move into the cowl area of the Cuda and the trunk of the Dart. Dryer sheets, Irish Spring soap, and mothballs wouldn't drive them out. I had to trap them. Now I'm trying fresh peppermint to keep them out.