Dual Hood Scoops Functional

The answer is yes. I have seen several people talk about it on this form. I always thought that would be an awesome addition.
Ok thanks, I’ll try a search but it is definitely the path I think I’m going down
The '70 dual hood scoops are somewhat functional. The hood has 2 holes under the scoop about 4 1/8" in diameter. They even have a round gasket with a slight lip on the hood to help keep moisture out. There is no ducting from the scoop to the air cleaner, but the '70 unsilenced air cleaner has the hole in the side lined up pretty close to the holes in the hood under the scoop. If you need photos I can take some for you. My hood is off the car, but the faded paint clearly shows where the scoops went.
Please post pictures when you can. I’ve only found pictures of them as decorative
Please post pictures when you can. I’ve only found pictures of them as decorative

Yeah, the factory ones all had holes into the engine compartment. The under structure of the hood is even relieved for the holes.


That said, they’re not really functional. Those scoops are not tall enough to draw in air at speed. They will sit fully within the boundary layer of air moving across the surface of the hood. They are probably better at letting hot air out than they are at bringing cooler air in.
I seriously doubt they are functional as they are too low to the hood. The air will travel overtop of them.
I did. They don’t direct air into the air cleaner but they cooled down the temperature in the engine compartment considerably

Looks like '72 and others beat me to it, but I can take photos tomorrow, if wanted.
Looks like '72 and others beat me to it, but I can take photos tomorrow, if wanted.
No, I can see it now, I may have to move mine a bit since they’ll be going on my 66, I may even try to make the holes larger for more air
No, I can see it now, I may have to move mine a bit since they’ll be going on my 66, I may even try to make the holes larger for more air

On a '66 you'd be totally on your own for placement. The '70/71 hoods come with holes in the understructure of the hood (the holes labeled "1" in the picture I posted above). Those holes work well to locate the scoops, and the large holes are 4-1/8". On the '70/71 cars the holes are not centered under the scoops, they are at the front and toward one side.

Making the holes larger would create some issues, mostly because there is a rubber gasket that is made for those holes to keep water out of your engine compartment. The gasket has a tall lip on the side that goes up, so water running back on the hood into the scoop stays out of the engine compartment. The gaskets work well if the holes are close to 4 1/8", but if you went much larger than that you'd have to come up with your own gaskets.

What are you putting the scoops on - what hood?

The 1970 340 Darts all had scoops with holes in the hood. I don't think any of the Dusters that used these scoops came with holes from the factory. Installing the scoops and cutting the holes is a piece of cake on 70-72 Dart hoods because of the factory holes for the studs in the hood frame on all the stock hoods, and the crescent cut for the edge of the big hole in the frame. getting the hole the right size is critical because there in a gasket that goes in each hole to keep rain from running up the hood and into the holes and onto your engine. Gaskets available from DMT and other sources.

I have a commercially produced template for installing those scoops on a Duster hood if you want to borrow it for the cost of shipping both ways. PM me if interested.
Some one here posted a template with measurements on the site a while back, I just don't remember their name.
Whether they suck air or not, they are just cool scoops. (dang, I wish I had a 340 under the hood)

If you're going to make them "functional", I would suggest trying different size hole saws (on some scrap material) to find the best fit for your hood scoop seals.

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Whether they suck air or not, they are just cool scoops. (dang, I wish I had a 340 under the hood)

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I think they're awesome! But yeah, I installed them for looks not because they have any real functional value. They do let some heat out of the engine compartment at low speeds, but I think that's about their maximum functionality.


If you're going to make them "functional", I would suggest trying different size hole saws (on some scrap material) to find the best fit for your hood scoop seals.

Ask me about PSC Liver Disease

I used a 4-1/8" for mine, the DMT gaskets I used still worked. Having done it, I would suggest using a 4" or 4-1/16" hole saw. After cleaning/dressing things up the holes on my car were definitely larger than 4-1/8". Not enough to be an issue, but yeah I'd go down a size on the hole saw the next time around.
I am installing them on my 66 Barracuda, so I’ll definitely be on my own as far as placement and holes
You want the holes to be in front of the crook of the air dam in the bottom of the scoop. I'd take out the studs first and move the scoops around the hood and see what looks best, You wouldn't want to place the scoops so the hole in the hood compromised the hood frame, so that will limit your location.
The scoops are certainly cool. Mine aren’t functional which is what I want so no dirt can enter under the hood.
