Here's the Camaro spoiler. It's a little different. Not much. A lot cheaper and it bolts on from the bottom instead of those stupid holes on the outside. The two cars are similar size, so I bet the spoilers are pretty close. You might ask for measurements for both and see. People have used those Camaro spoilers on all kinds of other cars.
1970-1973 Camaro Z28 Rear Deck Trunk Lid 1 piece Spoiler OER New | eBay
The '70-73 Camaro spoilers are not a "little different", they're
completely different. They're wider and shorter than the DC spoiler, and mount completely different. The curve on the underside is not the same as the curve of a Duster trunk. I have a family member with a '69 Camaro, after measuring and inspecting the spoiler on his car there's no way I'd try to mount one on a Duster. There are several areas that just wouldn't work well, the Duster trunk lid has a lot of contour to it. It's not worth the headache.
A '70 T/A spoiler is like a foot wider. And intended for a nearly flat trunk lid too, which the Duster's is not. The Camaro spoiler is a bad choice as well, as I mentioned above while the general look is similar, nothing is the same and the measurements would not work well.
I bought one of the "showcarsrob" ducktail spoilers on eBay a couple years back. No issues with his business, the shipping wasn't lightening fast but it was coming from Canadia to the US so I wasn't too worried.
The part itself is a pretty good likeness of the DC piece. Better than the other seller on eBay that makes them without the dimples for the mounting holes (CNSmoparparts). The biggest difference I noticed between the showcarsrob piece and the original is that the showcarsrob spoiler is slightly narrower, there's about a 1/4" of trunk lid showing on either side of the spoiler that isn't there on the original DC spoilers. Not a tragedy, very few people would probably even notice. If you were really picky it would be pretty easy to add some fiberglass. It's not the whole width of the spoiler that's short, the showcarsrob spoiler looks like it was cut off a little too early- it has a square shoulder the last 1/4" or so on the edge, where the DC spoiler tapers smoothly all the way down to the edge. I don't think the mold was pulled from the inside of the DC spoiler because the rest of the dimensions match, might have just been an issue with how he finished the inside of his production mold on the corners.
I actually have 4 versions of the DC style ducktail spoiler. One original DC spoiler, one from showcarsrob, one from CNSmoparparts (the one without the screw dimples), and one from the now defunct MAS fiberglass. Of the 4, the best version is the one made by MAS. It's fiberglass, but it matches the original width, height and contour of the original DC spoiler. It's also much sturdier than the original DC piece. Honestly, the original DC spoilers were made from a thin ABS plastic, and although the look good, they're pretty flimsy and prone to cracking at the attaching points. They were not intended to be screwed down, the originals actually came with a plastic push-pin type fastener. Using screws usually cracks the edge of the spoiler. When I finally got my hands on an original DC spoiler I was kinda disappointed. The showcarsrob spoiler is the only one I know of being currently produced. MAS is out of business, although some of their stuff is floating around. The CNSmoparparts spoiler is a piece of trash. It doesn't have the dimpled mounting pockets like the original, and the fiberglass would take a ton of work to make look decent on the car. Of the 4 it's the only one I regret buying. The MAS spoiler is the best. The showcarsrob spoiler would take a little work, but pretty much every fiberglass part I've ever seen would take a little work before paint.