Dumb Cops-Share your stories here!



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Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
1970's cruising scene: Salinas California cops cite me for a small windshield crack (passenger side) in my 1963 Pontiac Grand Prix. Warned not to drive the car again or it will be towed away as an "unsafe vehicle". Following day, I replaced the windshield and that night resumed my innocent cruising activity. Lo and behold, same cops pull me over a second time, and now tell me they are going to impound my vehicle. It takes all the willpower I have to keep from laughing my sides out in their faces as I point out to them the fact the vehicle has a new windshield. This occurrence led me to believe they enjoyed harassing young adults. First follow up: eventually traffic signs were posted in downtown Salinas, making cruising downtown itself a crime and punishable by citation. At the same time, a new anti-gang unit is formed and announced in the Salinas newspaper. Second follow-up (present day) cruising by innocent young drivers has successfully been forever eliminated while Salinas gang activity is more prevalent than ever!


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Had a dirt bike stolen out of our yard and the knobby tracks went right out of our gate and across the neighbors grass, up a dirt incline and across a utility easment into another neighborhood.
The cop that came out said "Ok, I'll file this report and see if we can find your bike"
I asked him if it would be worth following the tracks, and he said "What tracks?"

I showed him the tracks along with footprints in the dirt from where we were standing and where it went from them pushing the bike away during the night. DUH!
Knobby marks are pretty obvious.
Had a dirt bike stolen out of our yard and the knobby tracks went right out of our gate and across the neighbors grass, up a dirt incline and across a utility easment into another neighborhood.
The cop that came out said "Ok, I'll file this report and see if we can find your bike"
I asked him if it would be worth following the tracks, and he said "What tracks?"

I showed him the tracks along with footprints in the dirt from where we were standing and where it went from them pushing the bike away during the night. DUH!
Knobby marks are pretty obvious.

idn't that cop ever learn ANYTHING watching the LOne Ranger and Dale and Roy!????? they could track across solid rocksd all day!

I knew a guy that worked for gold course, he got mad at the boss and one night took his 4 x 4 out on a couple of greens, knobby tires, ya know.

the law could not track the trail of grass and dirt to the kids house ( 1 /4 mi away)... but the boss could! DUH!
Long story short, - Had a cop pull me over for a tailite out,, I mentioned it was my Mother's car,, he said it didn't matter,, the driver of vehicle is responsible,, meanwhile I'm kinda leaning on the back of my car lookin at his burnt out park lite,,,..after handing me the ticket,, I pointed to his parklite,,... made him write himself a ticket,, and phoned his supervisor the next day to make sure he didn't rip it up.. lol
Our Ruritan club had a dance. In the parking lot an intoxicated driver in a very high lifted 4X4, this was before our bumper height laws, began backing into dumpsters and flipping them over. The same guy then started spinning up the front yard.

We called the cops. They sent deputies in cruisers to the address, and the guy fled when they arrived. Supposedly they got in a high speed chase, and the driver (intoxicated) out ran them, and out cornered them going over the mountains.
Three or four years ago I had filed a complaint about meth heads in the neighborhood. They said it would be 3 or 4 hours before they could get someone out here. So, I'm out in the garage working on my car, stereo blazing and I needed something, so I jumped on my bicycle and rode on down to a buddy's house to see if he had what I needed.

Meanwhile apparently they showed up while I was at his place, and of course I wasn't here. A while later said cop called me and wanted to know where I was, he asked me why my garage door was open and the stereo was going and they couldn't find me. He said we did come out, and my response was yeah I know.

He then proceeded to ask me how I knew that, because I wasn't around.

I said because you just told me. :banghead:
Halloween night 1977 in a small rural Iowa town.....

Drove to town that night in my 70 GTX, parked at the bottom of Main St, opened my trunk and got out a 20 ft. length of electric fence wire and about three ears of yellow field corn. Tied the ears of corn on the fence wire then tied the other end on the back bumper of my car and went cruising around town with the wire and ear corn dragging behind me.

The one city policeman on duty that night hit his lights and pulled me over....

He walked up beside my car and asked "Do you know you have a piece of electric fence wire tangled up with some ears of corn dragging from your rear bumper?" I smiled at him and said "Why yes....yes, I did know that wire and ear corn is dragging from my rear bumper!!!"

So then he asks me "Well....why are you doing that?"

Told him "I'm trolling for pigs!!!" :D :D :D

Harold(the cop) was about 64 years old at the time and was just a couple months from retirement.....he just laughed and walked back to his car and drove off!
Several times in the early 70's, when a cop would catch me speeding ( no radar/vascar), as he got near behind me on the side of the road. I would jump out of the car and open the hood before he walked up on me. I would be holding the throttle 3/4 open, jiggling around with the linkage. He yelling at me, what are you doing. I'm like, can't you see the throttle is stuck open on this thing. Few seconds later I'd let it idle. They were always, like, you better get that fixed right away son or your gonna have a serious accident. Yes Sir, I'll take care of that right away. Ok, be careful son.
Did that, I know at least 5 or 6 times. LOL
Several times in the early 70's, when a cop would catch me speeding ( no radar/vascar), as he got near behind me on the side of the road. I would jump out of the car and open the hood before he walked up on me. I would be holding the throttle 3/4 open, jiggling around with the linkage. He yelling at me, what are you doing. I'm like, can't you see the throttle is stuck open on this thing. Few seconds later I'd let it idle. They were always, like, you better get that fixed right away son or your gonna have a serious accident. Yes Sir, I'll take care of that right away. Ok, be careful son.
Did that, I know at least 5 or 6 times. LOL

Good luck doing that now, today's officers probably don't even know what a carburetor is let alone faulty mechanical linkage.
good luck doing that now, today's officers probably don't even know what a carburetor is let alone faulty mechanical linkage.

next time your in really bad trouble, being robbed , shot at, someone in the family
is murdered, call a hippie or some other punk!!!!!
Good luck doing that now, today's officers probably don't even know what a carburetor is let alone faulty mechanical linkage.

You mean good luck jumping out of the car before the cop gets to you. Today you would be shot DEAD. LOL
Several times in the early 70's, when a cop would catch me speeding ( no radar/vascar), as he got near behind me on the side of the road. I would jump out of the car and open the hood before he walked up on me. I would be holding the throttle 3/4 open, jiggling around with the linkage. He yelling at me, what are you doing. I'm like, can't you see the throttle is stuck open on this thing. Few seconds later I'd let it idle. They were always, like, you better get that fixed right away son or your gonna have a serious accident. Yes Sir, I'll take care of that right away. Ok, be careful son.
Did that, I know at least 5 or 6 times. LOL

Ahhahahaaaa....... a friend of mine did that after we did several donuts in the grocery store parking lot. He got the hood open and grabbed the throttle before the cop could get behind us and get out of the car.

The cop swallowed that one hook...line and sinker.
Several times in the early 70's, when a cop would catch me speeding ( no radar/vascar), as he got near behind me on the side of the road. I would jump out of the car and open the hood before he walked up on me. I would be holding the throttle 3/4 open, jiggling around with the linkage. He yelling at me, what are you doing. I'm like, can't you see the throttle is stuck open on this thing. Few seconds later I'd let it idle. They were always, like, you better get that fixed right away son or your gonna have a serious accident. Yes Sir, I'll take care of that right away. Ok, be careful son.
Did that, I know at least 5 or 6 times. LOL

lmao I did the same thing a few times, but I would pull the carb spring off. a couple times I was doing over a 100 mph. I would act shook up before I find the problem and hook the spring on, as the officer watched. they would say, son be careful and have your dad look at your car. lol I miss the 70's and early 80's. if I tried that stunt today. I'd be in jail.
Halloween night 1977 in a small rural Iowa town.....

Drove to town that night in my 70 GTX, parked at the bottom of Main St, opened my trunk and got out a 20 ft. length of electric fence wire and about three ears of yellow field corn. Tied the ears of corn on the fence wire then tied the other end on the back bumper of my car and went cruising around town with the wire and ear corn dragging behind me.

The one city policeman on duty that night hit his lights and pulled me over....

He walked up beside my car and asked "Do you know you have a piece of electric fence wire tangled up with some ears of corn dragging from your rear bumper?" I smiled at him and said "Why yes....yes, I did know that wire and ear corn is dragging from my rear bumper!!!"

So then he asks me "Well....why are you doing that?"

Told him "I'm trolling for pigs!!!" :D :D :D

Harold(the cop) was about 64 years old at the time and was just a couple months from retirement.....he just laughed and walked back to his car and drove off!

I love it Rick. LMFAO from a old Iowan! The reasony they got called pigs is because the balck and white squad cars resembled Hampshire pigs. tmm
These are true stories.

Female cop gets hired in a local small town. Constantly leaving car door unlocked and walking away. One night while doing business checks on main street she leaves car running and unlocked. Local guy gets in and runs code up and down main street.

Two guys (correction dumb cops) crossing a ditch first on over reaches back to help his buddy over. His buddy has finger on trigger and first guy grabs gun and pulls. He gets shot in the ***.
Two guys (correction dumb cops) crossing a ditch first on over reaches back to help his buddy over. His buddy has finger on trigger and first guy grabs gun and pulls. He gets shot in the ***.

Haahahahaaaaa........here pull my finger. :banghead:
How bout this one. Overzealous cop hears a car hauling *** by his house. He jumps in patrol car, gives chase, loses control and rolls car out in a field. Everyone shows up to find him at car in his briefs.
I was stationed at Ft Gordon in 68 and got a call to the orderly room. It seems a buddy of mine had too much to drink and needed a ride back to post. So two of us jump in my car and head into Augusta. We walk in the bar, grab a quick beer and head out with Bill and his car. I don't think we got two blocks and get pulled over, they ask me if I've had anything to drink. I gotta say yes, but just a glass of beer. They get us out of the car, switch drivers and send us on our way. What a town!

got stopped for speeding last sunday coming home from church, had cruise set on 60 in a 55. didn`t know it, but license was expired, didn`t have current ins. verification card in the car either. the officer obviously checked to see if I had ins. on the radio. he pointed out that my d. license had expired last oct., he wrote me warning, was very nice, really likeable guy. always thot the hiway patrolmen were a better class of people than the small town bigshot types we have around here. the Tulsa cops are somewhere in between, a little stand offish till:coffee2: you get to know them, then ok guys, or gals. my daughter is a cop! lol