Duster Parts Interchangable?



Jan 21, 2006
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Ok, I am new to mopars, and I recently purchased a 72 Duster and have been looking for various different parts for it, and was just wondering what years are interchangeable, as far as interior, body panels, lights, moldings, etc. For instance some places I see parts advertised for 71-72 duster, and other places i see 70-72, so please help me out. Thanks, Harley
harleys by no means am i an expert on this but here goes.....as far as exterior parts goes. i believe that 70-72 are the same , just different grills. interior should be about the same as well. the 70 may be the only real execption here. the dash in the 70 i do believe is slightly different than the 71-72. there was a rally dash for the 70-71 that is the same though. the 72 standard dash had a seatbelt warning light in it. that may be the only other difference there. the rest of the interior i think is the same....maybe someone else w/ a duster can help. the local junk yards can tell you also what interchanges for each year. hope this helps some...
Yah, it helped some. Thanks for at least taking a try at it, more than anybody else has done so far. LOL. Thanks again, Harley
Many and most parts "are" interchangable" 70-72. Just remember "some" parts are not as stated before as per..grill/rear lights and that odd model part. Inside parts should "not" be a problem. Again some clusters will differ IE 340 ralley vice standard. Some 73+ parts also will work for you, but be carefull and dubble check. A lot of "A" bodies 67 - 72 are also interchangeable depending what your looking for.

Hi Harley, I have got a "Chrysler Muscle Car Parts Interchange Manual" that covers 1968-1974. It is well worth the 20 bucks I paid for it. You can pick one up through ads in mags or on internet. It is made by mbi publishing. try 1-800-826-6600 or try www.motorbooks.com. If you are just interested in a couple specific parts I will look them up for you in my book. This book has saved me alot of headaches!