Duty cycle....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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It is based off of an hourly cycle, correct? Duty cycle is 15 minutes that means you can use this device for 15 straight minutes followed by a 45 minute rest, correct? Have a grinder for my chains on my chainsaws. During cooler months, when the garage is 30* or so the thing will run non-stop. Hotter months, if it runs for 7-8 minutes before shutting down that is pushing it. Company I got it from is telling me this is due to its duty cycle. I get that but what I don't get is I have left it running for 4 straight hours in cooler weather....I forgot to turn it off...without it shutting down.....
Free running it has no load.
Duty cycle is whatever the manufacturer specifies. My Lincoln MIG is rated % based on minutes. I believe this is 10 minutes, EG 30% is 3 min out of 10

That does not mean you (the user) can stretch that to 3 hours out of 10 hours and claim 30%
Duty cycle is whatever the manufacturer specifies. My Lincoln MIG is rated % based on minutes. I believe this is 10 minutes, EG 30% is 3 min out of 10

That does not mean you (the user) can stretch that to 3 hours out of 10 hours and claim 30%

You are 100% correct on this..........
Yup, generally the 10 minute thing is correct, unless stated otherwise.
Duty cycle = Heavy Duty,...er...Durable,...Stronger than you can break...

Used in a sentence: : "Look at that,That there is Duty Cycle,... You can hammer on that fer hours, an you just ain't gonna hurt it,...at all".

Has been used to describe Battleship parts, Tractors, Mack Trucks, Some Women I use ta know, and the occasional electrical component...

but not anything by Lucas,...or Fiat...
The duty cycle is usually determined by a standard ambient temperature, when it's hotter or colder outside it makes a huge difference. I'm guessing your grinder has a thermal shut-off switch to keep it from overheating as that can quickly destroy electric motors among other things.
Thank you Dr. Science...

No doctorate here only a bachelor's... lol :evil3:

In today's economy I would probably have an easier time getting a job if I had an ASE Gold cert though, no joke. Way too many kids with 4.0 GPA in their engineering degrees and they can't turn a wrench to save their lives (seen it myself :wack:). I've even considered going "back" to school for some type of vocational training because there's so much demand for it and kids these days are too spoiled to get their hands dirty.