You don't want it.
If you are N/A and driving on the street, it's a waste.
-it runs cooler because you are putting more fuel through the system, so that cooling comes with reduced MPG The cooling effect comes from the ethanol (EtOH), not from using more fuel. Yes you use ~30% more fuel due to the lower heat energy of the EtOH.... but due to the stoichiometry of the combustion reaction, more fuel is able to be consumed per unit of air; thus, the combination of cooling + being able to burn more fuel = the potential for making more power if tuned properly.
-higher chance of contaminated fuel unless you are running it often, and keeping the tank fully topped off. This comment doesn't really explain what it happening the way it is written...what I think you were trying to say was.....the ethanol is hydroscopic, so it can absorb water out of the air. If the fuel is left sitting exposed to open air too long it will
-higher chance of contaminated fuel since it sits in tanks much much longer at the gas station since it's not as popular. Possibly, but they adjust the alcohol/gasoline ratio the for the season...more gas in the winter, less in the summer. I always test my e85 due to these variations. I have seen as high as 90% EtOH, and as low as 75% EtOH.
I have two below ground MOGAS tanks where I work. For years the components have been basically rust free. With the military now using E10 for all our MOGAS, the rate of deterioration is outright FRIGHTENING. It's not even regular rust, it looks like the old black firework snakes, but made out of rust. It's a puffy rusty slag that is growing on everything around the probe well.
I would pass on it. If you are wanting a cooler engine and better MPG, I'd give FiTech a look.