It will remain online until the domain registration runs out in April 2020.
Hi Kids!
It's probably not fashionable to be Late to discussions of Early A-Bodies, but I finally got a hold of another Early-A to replace my long-departed '67 Valiant (avatar photo – rear-ended while parked in 2006), and I'm skimming back in discussion groups to catch up and remind myself of likely problem areas to look after, and I have come to this thread.
I used to be a member of the EarlyABodyForum (I checked my password manager, user name was "eric"), I'm sorry to see that it's gone (I knew there was another group I had followed, along with this one and SlantSix), and I would love it if I could access its information, if I need to, So...
Does anybody out there still have this 350mb file, and would they be willing to post it up on a file-share site for an hour or two so that I could download it. I could probably ftp it directly as well, but nobody does that anymore.
Just a shot in the dark, but if you don't ask, you never find out.
– Eric