Early Cold Weather



Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2009
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I live in West Texas and have for most of my life. This morning on the way to work I noticed that several tanks(ponds) have a solid sheet of ice on them. Not thick by any means, but all the way across. This happens from time to time, but never in mid November. If it happens, it is usually late January thru the end of February. It has been cold the past few weeks, but I didn't think it would be enough to drop the water temps enough to freeze over. Crazy. We got freezing drizzle and light snow yesterday evening and down to 21 this morning.
It is strange out here. It was 12° in Lubbock this morning. Ice on the Playa Lakes. Starting to see a lot of geese headed south through here.
We don't see weather like this (that we are having) till maybe late December, sometimes it's to warm to even go Deere hunting during the Christmas modern gun hunt we get.
yeah Gore is laughing all the way to the bank...while he lives it up with his private jets and mansion.
I never figured out why the world doesn't fear another ice age vs global warming. Those ice ages were real, here in Michigan the ice was a mile or more thick, how the great lakes happen. Another ice age would be more harmful then all the ice in the world melting away. Sure the coastal land would all be underwater but the rest of the land would be livable on.

Its only 15 right now here in southern Michigan and on the west side of the state, they have been getting 5 or more inches of snow everyday since Friday, they are now buried in snow.

I believe in climate change cause its always been happening and likely will keep on changing but the cold worries me more then the heat. This stinks right now, don't complain down in Texas, it be warm again before you know it. We are looking at another long cold winter up here in the north
Ice age? The hell you say. Don't you listen to Al Gore? He knows it all.
the GOOD part is the guy on nat. weather channel says there is no correlation between early cold spells like this and how bad a winter we will have!!!! hope he's right. I hate cold!
Gore said he gave us the internet and could take it away very easily, what and "*** hat".
Buffalo got buried with 4 feet of snow. What if that happen across all the northern states ? And then 4 feet of snow falled every week...thats likely happen during the last ice age, if not worst. That be far worst then the Earth warming up....it be hello Mexico, we are moving on in, lol

It would be a real joke if yeah, 100 years from now, its winter 6-7 months of the year in the north with 25-30 feet of snow.

Freaken Obama was saying last week poor countries need 3.3 billion to fight global warming , how about spending that money here in the USA and dig Buffalo out now...this is a joke, stay indoors folks..don't eat either, next they telling them to go hibernate...I never understood why the USA spends so many billions overseas or on Mars and yet here in the homeland we got "no money" for roads, plows, trains
Buffalo got buried with 4 feet of snow. What if that happen across all the northern states ? And then 4 feet of snow falled every week...thats likely happen during the last ice age, if not worst. That be far worst then the Earth warming up....it be hello Mexico, we are moving on in, lol

It would be a real joke if yeah, 100 years from now, its winter 6-7 months of the year in the north with 25-30 feet of snow.

Freaken Obama was saying last week poor countries need 3.3 billion to fight global warming , how about spending that money here in the USA and dig Buffalo out now...this is a joke, stay indoors folks..don't eat either, next they telling them to go hibernate...I never understood why the USA spends so many billions overseas or on Mars and yet here in the homeland we got "no money" for roads, plows, trains

Ebola, needs to take his dumb *** back to Africa
Ice age? It was caused by meteor impacts.