Ebay looks to have been hacked. Warning to all.



Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Reaction score
San Jose,CA
Was going onto ebay and my avast program goes off every time I tried to log in. TO verify something might be wrong, I tried a few other things and still getting hits on virus rerouting to malicious site. Noticed everything was good and one thing, did not look right was the search button now read "Verkaufen" and that ain't English. Sent them info, but who knows who is going to get infected. Just fair warning to our members.
Was going onto ebay and my avast program goes off every time I tried to log in. TO verify something might be wrong, I tried a few other things and still getting hits on virus rerouting to malicious site. Noticed everything was good and one thing, did not look right was the search button now read "Verkaufen" and that ain't English. Sent them info, but who knows who is going to get infected. Just fair warning to our members.
Looks fine here.....
Great, that's all we need...Ebay to get hacked.
Then we'll have to redo our passwords again, since the last hack.
Im running out of passwords. My Gmail is on auto and I had to log in on another PC, I totally forgot my password! And my Yahoo password is always getting changed as I use it about once a month.....I never follow a link to ebay, always log in through main page, same with paypal.
Been on their help forum and looks like a dozen other people have reported the same thing. I have 3 anti-virus running and my system came back ok.
Seems fine to me. Website works, app works. Nothing on the news about it either, and a major hack of eBay would be news. A dozen people on eBay? That’s a ridiculously tiny number. A dozen people probably log into that site faster then you can blink an eye.

The malware could be on your computer. Just because your anti-virus is coming back clean doesn’t mean your computer is virus free, just means nothing it’s looking for is there.
Currently in my 3rd deep/boot time scan and nothing yet, and scan with diffrent antivirus. If eBAY got hacked, do you think they would mention it during the holidays where they intake to make nearly a millions of dollars In sales Every time they had a breach, it was announced later on, not right after it happened.
Currently in my 3rd deep/boot time scan and nothing yet, and scan with diffrent antivirus. If eBAY got hacked, do you think they would mention it during the holidays where they intake to make nearly a millions of dollars In sales Every time they had a breach, it was announced later on, not right after it happened.
What browser are you using?
I think it’s chrome, but I will check when I get home. Looks like a dozen other posts on their eBAY forum have people reporting the same thing. Hopefully it’s just a false positive.
Currently in my 3rd deep/boot time scan and nothing yet, and scan with diffrent antivirus. If eBAY got hacked, do you think they would mention it during the holidays where they intake to make nearly a millions of dollars In sales Every time they had a breach, it was announced later on, not right after it happened.

Put down the tin foil hat. It would be far worse publicity for eBay to withhold information of a breach and then have to admit later that user information was compromised. Especially if it became apparent that they didn’t tell people immediately. If their main website was compromised it could rapidly effect millions of people, and that would be far worse for them in the long run than telling everyone right away. Obviously I don’t think they publicly announce every little hacking attempt, but if the main site was redirecting people that’s not a little problem.
......It would be far worse publicity for eBay to withhold information of a breach and then have to admit later that user information was compromised.............
I'm thinking something similar, not a redirect but along those lines actually happened recently to another firm. EFX
I got on yesterday and my primary address had been changed to some random address i have never heard of. I checked my order history, and luckily nothing was ordered. Changed my username and password both.
looks to be back to normal now. Hopefully it was an isolated event and the hackers didn't get much.
Maybe the hackers moved on to hacking peoples' foraboodiesonly accounts. You better watch out everyone. LOL
It's highly unlikely ebay was hacked to the point where it infected your computer. It's more likely you picked it up from some other website and it's triggered to redirect you when you visit certain sites, which would be a pretty common infection through a browser.
It's highly unlikely ebay was hacked to the point where it infected your computer. It's more likely you picked it up from some other website and it's triggered to redirect you when you visit certain sites, which would be a pretty common infection through a browser.

The tech guy I use who did programming for apple confirmed that it was eBAY infected when I clicked on a link on their site. I took a pic of it confirming there was something there. It shows the site had the infection, not my pc. I would have said otherwise, but I was not the only other person that reported the problem being over a dozen other members had the same thing happen to them.