electrical tape, STUPID things we don't throw away



Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
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Central Indiana
Just guessing how many rolls of electrical tape you think you have?

now with that answered how many times do you get a roll and it will not stick to anything

Was working on the motorhome changing bad lights and needed some tape. I tried several rolls and most would not stick to anything. So tonight instead of putting the roll back in the tool box it went into the trash

Would bet I have 15-20 rolls of junk electrical tape, not for long.

Why do we keep crap that doesn't work as it should?

Does a broken inoperative part get better sitting on the shelf?

I need to clean up at my house and the barn, looks like I will be filling the dumpster more often.
I have a similar issue with steel wool, it's like it has formed colonies everywhere, I've just ended up with so much of it.
sounds like compulsive hoarding. want me to call that show on T.V. and get you some help? LOL

I have the same problem. seems to be rags and shop towels with me. I always think I can get one more use out of it.
well so far, all the above, that and I seem to keep the straws off the spray cans, just in case I lose one.......or a 100 of them.
I save all the spray buttons off all empty paint and oven cleaner cans.. I have 4 or 5 little piles outside where I work, I can probably find one rite now setting here at the keyboard.... I also have 5 or 6 spark plug gappers, never can find one when I need one...
I have a woodstove in my garage,so when I see a piece of wood sitting around I,ll toss it in the back of the truck.It always makes it,s way into the stove...free heat!!
I always have extra tape,I'm an electrician,I have a real hard time throwing away scrap lumber.Why..........? I don't know.
Probably because lumber is high dollar now days.. I drag in all kinda cool stuff when I go to the landfield, found a big *** vintage pepsi sign, already had bullet holes in it... Signs probably worth 100-bucks...
Funny you should say bullet holes in the sign.It always reminds me of a time when I was a kid takeing a walk with my dad on the c&o canal and asked him what all the holes in the signs were from and he said"thats how the woodpeckers sharpen their beaks".SO of course being a parent now I had to pass that info on to my kids.
I keep all sorts of stuff too. Little blocks of wood, etc.. Yet I still run into things I need that have been tossed.
Right now I have a portable dvd player that needs a board mounted fuse replaced. The original was a modular fuse set in solder beds. I can add a fuse holder for a glass/bar fuse but only if I hang around the dump waiting for someone to toss an old television or some donor. LOL
Radio Shack doesn't stock squat these days. Sheds light on why the shortened their name to The Shack.
I worked for Verizon for 38 years and they are godawful cheap. They would buy the cheapest electrical tape, just plain junk! It wouldn't stick to anything but the bin it was stored in, and it would break in the cold when you tried to stretch it! We complained and there answer was always it was cost effective??? (CHEAPEST) We would get a case in and toss it into the dumpster and order another, that took care of the cost effective problem. 3M makes the best electrical tape and it has a forever shelf life, Nitto is another that isn't too bad. I'm still using old rolls of tape! Now my sin I'm a lumber junkie, got tons of it in the shop!! And mopar parts!! LOL
Car fuses and light bulbs. When ever I go to the pick a part yard I have a habit of pulling fuses and light bulbs. I have not bought a new bulb or fuse as long as I can remember. Haven't had to replace a bulb or fuse in a long time either.
Tire Irons.

I probably have 10 of them, no idea where they came from. Ima thinkin' there is a nest somewhere, but not sure where.
Car fuses and light bulbs. When ever I go to the pick a part yard I have a habit of pulling fuses and light bulbs. I have not bought a new bulb or fuse as long as I can remember. Haven't had to replace a bulb or fuse in a long time either.

Same here, when I worked at a scrap yard I always had pockets full of bulbs, fuses and hose clamps, walk in a parts store now days and price bulbs and hose clamps, its insane what the little stuff costs... 3m tape is the ONLY tape I will buy period....
I also have a radiator cap, exhaust clamps and exhaust pipe fetish, I'm just a parts hoarden ho........
I have this problem with cardboard, I have this big pile of cut up cardboard boxes. I never set any thing down on the floor, bench or were ever with out a piece under it. Its a fire hazard and I"m a so called Fire Fighter.
I even sneak a piece under the wifes *** as she sits on a chair. LOL

I know I'm a hoarder on some things, but I did quit hoarding electrical tape. The only reason is becuase I bought liquid electrical tape that has worked great for every task I've needed electrical tape for. I used to have at least 5 rolls laying around before and it was just like you said, every time I needed it I'd have to unroll about half of the roll before it became sticky enough to use.

greenhornet sounds like he collects pretty much everything I collect too. justin sounds like might have as much used sand paper laying as I do.
I know I'm a hoarder on some things, but I did quit hoarding electrical tape. The only reason is becuase I bought liquid electrical tape that has worked great for every task I've needed electrical tape for. I used to have at least 5 rolls laying around before and it was just like you said, every time I needed it I'd have to unroll about half of the roll before it became sticky enough to use.

greenhornet sounds like he collects pretty much everything I collect too. justin sounds like might have as much used sand paper laying as I do.

Way back when I repaired office equipment we had this tape that stuck to itself, no adhesive, and after you wrapped the wires you heated it with a heat gun or a lighter and it shrunk tight. Wish I could find that tape now.
Way back when I repaired office equipment we had this tape that stuck to itself, no adhesive, and after you wrapped the wires you heated it with a heat gun or a lighter and it shrunk tight. Wish I could find that tape now.

I don't know about heating it, but in the AF we used to use what we called F-4 Tape. It wasn't sticky except to itself. I've heard it works great for temp repairs on radiator hoses. It was usually orange with a black line down the center. I never had to use any of it, but I remember seeing it used on aircraft tubing to prevent chafing.
I have a hard time throwing away old clothes and shoes.I like to use them when Im working on the car or painting,that way I dont worry about messing up my good clothes.I have like 2 pairs o boots covered in paint,splats of bondo,t shirts with paint on them,grease covered jackets,grease and paint covered pants,and socks,lol.I really should throw them away.
I very rarely use electrical tape.I would rather solder the wires and cover them in heat shrink.Makes a better repair and tape just seems to fall off after awhile.

Im sure we all also have nuts and bolts buckets,lol.I have 4 toolboxes full of nuts,bolts,washers,screws,and light bulbs.Hey you never know.lol
And ditto on the spray can straws,I have a bunch also.
The large, square-cut, o rings on oil fiilters. Each time I change one, I hold onto the o ring from the old filter thinking someday I may need one just that size. Well now I have proabaly 100 of them and have yet to have a need for 'em......