Electronic Ig Control Box on a 85 D100 Off Topic


Brian Hood

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
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Hey all,I have a 85 D-100 with a dead ignition. It is a slant with a leanburn comp. Is there an Ignition box on this model and where is it located? I CAN NOT FIND IT. Brian
Not sure about the lean burn but yes it should have an ignition box. on my 85 2500 Ram it was on the firewall around the master cylinder. You can trace the wires from the distributor to it or look for the 3.5" x 5" box, should have a wire harness with 4 or 5 wires pluged into it. I don't have a pic but that should get you close.
The lean burn computer should be located towards the front of the truck on the left fender. The air cleaner inlet hose runs to it.

Toss it and install mopar electronic ign or similar.
I found the computer. I know what an electronic ignition box on a Mopar looks like. I just cant seem to find it on this one. Is it built into the computer? It is a slant 6. Anyone?
Yes its built into the computer. To convert to EI you will have to get a new EI distributor and add an EI module. Or go HEI and be MUCH happier. See the HEI conversion over at slantsix.org