Electronics practical jokes...



...Join the Dart side...
Feb 23, 2014
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As a car audio and auto electronics installer, I make sure that some of my best customers (ok, my buddies) get the best treatment possible at my shop.

One day my friend Paul came in with his automatic 2001 Ford Focus POS machine. I installed an alarm for him with a remote starter because he simply loved wasting his money on this terrible car. Ok no problem, Paul, I'll hook you up!

So I made sure that his car had all the bells and whistles...light flash, shock sensor, immobilizer, remote starter, glass sensor, back up battery etc...etc...But by far the best feature was making sure his horn sounded every time he pulled the e-brake up. Now, what made this especially awesome is the fact that he NEVER uses his e-brake! So one day he was coming back from Washington after shopping and he was asked to come into the border services office to pay for some duty on his purchases. One of the border guards decided to look through his car for any contraband and pulled his e-brake up. Well of course when he did, the horn blasted! Needless to say, there were some more questions than he would have expected and a few laughs here and there by the border guys. Thankfully he didn't get into trouble.

Of course I completely forgot about doing this as it was several months down the road. Paul came in the day after coming through the border with a puzzled look on his face..."Mike, why does my horn honk when I pull on the e-brake?". Of course I tried my hardest not to laugh and I just replied with "That's weird". Of course I fessed up to him and we had a good laugh. But I'm pretty sure he isn't going to get me to install an alarm in his new car now. LOL...