emergency brake help



Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
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OK the e-brake dont work and i wanna get it working again.. the handle in the car and the cable from the front to the back seems to be good but both cables in the rear need to be replaced. Somebody cut the cables in behind the drums but I got them off and just have to get new ones so that's an easy fix..

My dad put new brake lines/shoes/shocks/drums/hoses and all the stuff in the rear but not the e-brake stuff ughhh. My issue is that in the process of the ding bats cutting the cables they also took the e-brake components from behind the drums as well.. So the stuff like the curved arm that the e brake cable hooks to and the bar that goes across under the wheel cylinder is missing as well.

I have not clue what these parts are called and even if i did i dont know exact what was back there to begin with and i cant find any pictures online of what it looks like back there because that would give me an idea of what i needed.. I know i can call some scrap yards and find one and go look at/buy the parts but was wondering if anybody had pics of theirs or maybe an idea online where i can get some specifics about those parts

Thanks in advance
here is pic i found and i dont need the backer plates but the other e brake parts are some of what i need.. basic i need all the e-brake parts that are inside the drum area

I have used hardware for that if you can't find anything closer.
sounds good do u have everything that goes in behind the drum as far as e brake stuff ?? and how much..i need the two rear cables as well and i will be all set
I have all the parts under the drum but I'll have to verify I have the cables. This is for a '70 Dart? So it has a long and short cable correct?....not two shorts ones?
It has a long one from the front then 2 short ones in the back. The drivers side one is about two feet and the pass side is about 5. Those r rough numbers and yes 70 dart swinger