energy drink reviews

Anyone like them besides me? Yes, I don't need to be told the bad stuff about them, just which ones you all like. I have had a few and ill rate them by taste: 1-10 scall 10 being best:
Red bull 10 best tasting and original, too bad its in smaller cans although they have king cans now $$$
Monster green 8 very good too, kinda fizzy
Monster blue 7 carb free veraion flatter than original but way less calories
Hansens black green 6 not the best but its .99 at the dollar store
NOS blue orange can 7 sort of a sweeter fizzy version of hansens but the can is much cooler!
El gallo 5 flat red punch with some jiitters at the end, .99c also
Venom purple 9 had it a long time ago and was quiite suprised, my 2nd after a red bull huge bottle
Rockstar black 8 very good, not quite RB but unique pomegranate soda taste
Rockstar white low carb 6 missing something....?
Arizona tonic 5 don't let the green cross fool you, no THC in tea with sediment but its .99 and always 34 degrees cold out of 7-11 fridge.

If you have never tried any oif these, trhere are about 3 flavors.) Is sort of like a syrupy grenadine, Rockstar is a thinned carbonated pomegranate soda, the monster green is like gatorade bubble gum flavored nd rthe rest lean towartd a citrus flavor. NOS has 260 mg caffein odf a recommended 400 daily limit so choill on your intake. Never tried 5 hour energy or Hit-man, I suppose they are the cappuccino of energy drinks, all business.

I use to like diet rockstars and redbull(w/ vodka). But i had a bad experience after having a rockstar for breakfast @ 6am for too many days in a row.
I'm diabetic, so they affect me VERY differently, and I can't do the "regular" ones at all.

Lately, I've been on Arizona low carb 20 cal in the white.
I give it an 8.

White Rockstar is pretty good, as is the Mt Dew Amp low cal.

I was REALLY hooked on Enviga citrus green tea.
It was WAY better for you than traditional energy drinks, but got a bad rap because it claimed to burn calories, and folks thought you could just drink it, do nothing else, and loose weight. Gone.

Yesterday I bought a "Bing". Haven't tried it yet. Bing cherry and raspberry.

I'll also do some "Pom" occasionally.
Anyone like them besides me? Yes, I don't need to be told the bad stuff about them, just which ones you all like. I have had a few and ill rate them by taste: 1-10 scall 10 being best:
Red bull 10 best tasting and original, too bad its in smaller cans although they have king cans now $$$
Monster green 8 very good too, kinda fizzy
Monster blue 7 carb free veraion flatter than original but way less calories
Hansens black green 6 not the best but its .99 at the dollar store
NOS blue orange can 7 sort of a sweeter fizzy version of hansens but the can is much cooler!
El gallo 5 flat red punch with some jiitters at the end, .99c also
Venom purple 9 had it a long time ago and was quiite suprised, my 2nd after a red bull huge bottle
Rockstar black 8 very good, not quite RB but unique pomegranate soda taste
Rockstar white low carb 6 missing something....?
Arizona tonic 5 don't let the green cross fool you, no THC in tea with sediment but its .99 and always 34 degrees cold out of 7-11 fridge.

If you have never tried any oif these, trhere are about 3 flavors.) Is sort of like a syrupy grenadine, Rockstar is a thinned carbonated pomegranate soda, the monster green is like gatorade bubble gum flavored nd rthe rest lean towartd a citrus flavor. NOS has 260 mg caffein odf a recommended 400 daily limit so choill on your intake. Never tried 5 hour energy or Hit-man, I suppose they are the cappuccino of energy drinks, all business.

Monster for me. i like the original, Import, Red and Green Rehab. The Rehab Monsters are good if you dont like the super fizz regular monster has to offer :coffee::coffee2:
I'm diabetic, so they affect me VERY differently, and I can't do the "regular" ones at all.

Lately, I've been on Arizona low carb 20 cal in the white.
I give it an 8.

White Rockstar is pretty good, as is the Mt Dew Amp low cal.

I was REALLY hooked on Enviga citrus green tea.
It was WAY better for you than traditional energy drinks, but got a bad rap because it claimed to burn calories, and folks thought you could just drink it, do nothing else, and loose weight. Gone.

Yesterday I bought a "Bing". Haven't tried it yet. Bing cherry and raspberry.

I'll also do some "Pom" occasionally.

Monster has a Sugar free version just for individuals like yourself that cant do sugar very much. im pretty sure its in a white can
Believe it or not, a full calorie energy drink will actually put me to sleep...
(or at least a catatonic like vegetative state)

...while destroying fine blood vessel capillaries.
I'm stuck in the past I guess, Fruit Punch Gatorade works for me, the powder you mix yourself, makes 6 gallons for around 8 bucks.
Believe it or not, the wife and I use a Soda Stream with the "Energy" syrup. It tastes JUST like Red Bull, but on the sweeter side. Most people say it tastes better. And you can adjust how strong you want it. The BIG plus is that this only costs 10 cents per drink compared to a $3.00 Red Bull!
I am a recovering energy drink junkie 2 to 3 a day was the norm. have had a few 4 + days. now they are a weekend treat for when I am working in the garage. the only ones I have a dislike for are any of the Purple ones they are Gross! oh and any of the generic versions ( speed, shock wave come to mind ) I drink them because they taste good not for a Boost. I cut them completely out of my diet almost a year ago due to high blood pressure. well its still high and I take meds for it now. I have also resumed the occasional consumption ( with No affect on the blood pressure ).
Big Lots/Odd Lots used to have "Vitamin Fizz" up until a few weeks ago.

60 cents, 30 calories, and lot's 'o vitamins.

Tasted like an energy drink, but much better for you in several areas.
Jolt Cola opps yup their gone :angry7:

Green monsters for me....
