EvapoRust is awesome!!

Dusted, That long soak really cleaned it up. Very Impressive!!
Landon I tried this stuff on my car first that is why I got it. If you can keep it wet then it will work ie. use a little electric pump to keep it flowing on big stuff but if it starts to dry the least little bit it wont work.
What would you recommend for removing rust out of holes and off the body suface other than sand blasting. Thanks.
Thread from the dead!

Picked up some of this stuff at TSC last weekend and I have a jack hook that is pretty bad. So far after being in the dip 24 hours I'm not impressed at all, my sandbalster would have made short work of it.

I'm going to let it soak another day and will post a picture.

Nice work and I am also going to buy some. Thanks for the great pix.
Nice work and I am also going to buy some. Thanks for the great pix.

Here is a picture of a backing plate and the jack hook. On the backing plate it cleaned up light rust by a notable amount.

With the jack hook, not so much. I hit it with a wire brush for a few minutes and dropped it back in the soup for a few more days.

I found that deep pits it had a hard time cleaning, but when it had sat for a few days I would take it out and use a red scuff pad and it if it was gonna come clean then it would. Most stuff will develop a black film like stuff on it that will clean up with soap and water.
My plan is to let it soak first for a few days and then run it through the sandblaster. If the majority is already melted off it will cut the time required to get the part first rate for painting.
Sounds like a plan. I think this stuff works well for pieces that are really fragile and are thin from rust, where blasting would tear it apart.
Does this stuff come in a 20,000 gallon jug?
I have an idea...lol

I might try the coke, and electrolytic method tomorrow. I already have everything I need!!!!

Some very good results posted here guys. Awesome!:cheers: