Ever get tired?



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
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Alberta Canada
I know a few guys here have gotten in and out of a couple projects for different reasons.

Lately I just feel very tired of the car and the money spent. Dealing with so many vendors etc who screw you around and want nothing but your money or just make false promises.

It seems I've met more bad people in the car hobby then good.

I'm sure I would end up with another project but if things look bleak has anyone here ever wiped the slate clean and started with a fresh car? Just curious if it helps at all.
i hate to say it but sometimes you just have to walk away for a little while
Walked Away 2 Different Times--sold Everything I Had That Had To Do With Mopar Cars/parts---some Of The Same Reasons--but Always Came Back---this Disease Is Uncurable---just Remember There Are Alot Of Assholes In This World,shysters,crooks,theives,scumbags,and They All Seem To Congregate In The Car Hobby World And Yes In The Mopar World. But If You Stay Focused On Your Project And Shop Around, Take Your Time, Get To Know Key People You Can Trust And Have A Proven Track Record,research Your Products Good,make A Gameplan And A Budget You Will And Can Get There Eventially--i Am 48 And Been On Same Car Build For 3 1/2 Yrs As Time And Money Allows And Yes There Are Many Times That On Any Given Day I Thought About Throwing In The Towel--when It Gets To That Frustrating Moment, Thats When You Got To Take A Break From It For Awhile--my Car Has Seen Times That I Didnt Touch It Or Look At It For As Long As 3 Mths And When I Got Ready It Was Still There Waiting On Me To Work On It Some More, There Are Good People Out There And There Are Alot Of Good People Here Who Are Willing To Help Out A Fellow Member In Need Of Advice/parts/service Or Just To Answer Questions Or Problems You Will Encounter, I Have Learned Alot On Here Myself And In Turn Try To Help Others When I Can, There Is Light At The End Of The Tunnel---we've All Been There--you Arent Alone In The Way You Feel---just Keep Plugging Away The End Results Are Worth It---------- Ken
i can't tell ya how many cars ive sold just because i want something new,i get tired of them very quickly,the longest ive ever had a car was 4 yrs a 70 challenger r/t v code,had a very nice 63 max wedge that i sold after only 9 months just because i thought it was too old,i like the 69 70 cars,it does'nt bother me because there's always another 1 that i like just as much.
I get tired of projects but over the years have learned to just take a break now and then. the one thing you don't want to do is sell the car if it is something you really wanted when you first got it. i had a couple of cars that i ended up selling and now regret it. i decided the Dart was going to be my lifetime project, always changing but never to be sold. i was completely burned out on it when i was in the middle of the V8 swap. but im glad to say i stuck with it and now i have something i enjoy every day. there will always be a-holes and guys trying to rip you off in this hobby but i think that goes for any hobby. put the cover on the ride and remove the car mags from next to the toilet. take a break and come back when you want to. Johnny.
Im Not Going To Allow You Guys To Be More Negative Than Myself.
My Parts And Cars Are Worth Pennies On The Dollar.
But When The Next Guys Gets His Hands On Them ,they Turn To Gold.
That Part I Dont Get.
i likE thE waY somE oF yoU guyS capitalizE thE firsT letteR oF everY worD, sO i'M goinG tO capitalizE thE lasT onE. whY iS thaT?
I did it when I was building the Scamp. Sold the car and filled it with all most every part I had. Didnt want to spend the money anymore.

Bought another car 6 month later.
I have been kicking around the Idea of getting rid of one of my projects also.I knew when I got it,it was gonna be a huge burden to get parts for it.And right now,its only taking up space and lots of money.I never bought it with the thought of selling it,and will probably regret it if I do unload it.
yep I have been there to.I get very excited about a new car only to have a few people F%^& it up mostly body shops.I get 4 or 5 quotes they all promise the same thing in the end i never get what they say.They do what they can in the end,then after 2 years i sell what i have and on to the next one.this is car# 14 for me ,still searching for the best body work out there.funny thing is I say to the wife no more i have had enough well I am doing a 69 Dart now hope to keep this one ,my dream car but not looking good wright now.good luck with your down turn.
Im Not Going To Allow You Guys To Be More Negative Than Myself.
My Parts And Cars Are Worth Pennies On The Dollar.
But When The Next Guys Gets His Hands On Them ,they Turn To Gold.
That Part I Dont Get.

Amen on that.

All I was doing was giving someone else all of my hard earned money. One thing I finally learned was to get a car/bike/tractor/whatever into OK running shape and actually drive it around for a while before going crazy with the "restoration". (aka, throw money at it)
I've come to the place where I buy a car based on what it already has.....if it already has the high buck add-ons that I'd need, even if they're a little tired, I'll buy that car rather than the one that needs all the stuff.

I'd rather clean and restore stuff than buy it.

Scoops and spoilers, wheels & tires, intakes and carbs, front ends and brakes and the like, and seat covers...........Man, that stuff adds up quick. So, I shop for the ones where most of the stuff is already there, even if it needs a little cleaning and tweaking. My profit margins have been high, and my satisfaction has been too.

When I was younger, I looked past a lot of rust and wear to what I could make of a "bucket"........Now, I pass on the buckets, and find somethin' that someone else has perhaps given up on or is tired of. A lot of the work is done, and I don't get tired of the projects nearly as easy as before.
It's not so much that I get tired of my projects, I just get distracted by other interests. I have never been able to concentrate on one thing for an extended period of time. Sometimes I run up against a lack of knowledge or tools or both. That can hold me up for months. I always eventully get a second wind though.
Yeah, sometimes it's best to throw in the towel and start fresh. I walked away from my Belvedere I post car project after 10 years - never drove it once. It was like a millstone around my neck, all the fun was sapped out of it. I'm way more energized about my Dart now and have learned my lesson about what not to do!

Like Tom said above, I would rather find a better starting point for a project and save on the headaches. That's what I did with my Dart - it needs a little work but can be driven right now and will serve as my rolling automotive laboratory. Life's too short to be sour on your hobby!
I've had to take a break but it's usually no more than a month or so. What helps is having a frim vision of what you want but not looking at the big picture but break it down into smaller tasks that don't seem so daunting. Keep a well organized notebook of what needs to be done next and cross the stuff off as it gets done. Even though you may not see results on the vehichle itself, you will see progress in the notebook.

Half the fun for me after a hard days work on the car is kicking back with a beer and the notebook and letting my mind roam as to what would look cool and what else I can do to improve performance. Sometimes it helps to have a friend over and bounce ideas off them and drink more beer, lol.

Read my tag line: "Perserverence is the hard work you do after you get tired of the hard work you already did". It fits this hobby to a T.
Yea, been there and done that. got tired of the run around and the car just sitting there. started over but this time i am keeping the car drivable for the most part. that way i can still enjoy it and work on it at the same time. if i get tired or borded with it, i will just drive it around a few weeks, get refreshed and find something to fix.
I know its an uncureable virus because I'd be bored without it. Just have a feeling of bad blood and being I sold my first car that I never should have and bought into a rougher car it's always been the "rebound car."

I have a timeline list of what I want done but soemtimes it jsut doesn;t happen do to the issues guys here state.

1. If you own it it's worthless if guy B owns it it's gold plated platinum.

2. The internet is a bad place where I find waaaay to many things I want, not sure how to fix this.

3. Lack of knowledge on the carburtor side of life and finding someone local to teach it seems impossible. I have 2 "bookings" with performance shops to check my tune that have been too busy for me for over 8 months even after dropping 6 grand to have them build the engine.

4. Guys in the U.S have life easier, here there's limited vendors and retarded shipping costs and no parts cars to be found really.

I think I might have just needed to rant and make sure I wasn't the only one who's had the same issues, it just seems like I'm getting a lifetime's worth of bad luck used up in a 4 year spn at 26 years old... Hopefully it means old age will be without an issue.
i have been restoring a 72 duster for somewhere along the lines of 8 ys..If I did not promise to restore the car to the point it was when my buddy bought it in 74..I surely would have given -up..I try to do things as money warrants..and this year I finally got it painted..and from the looks of things I may finally get to drive it..I have had more than my fill of false promises...poor workmanship...and that f..king ebay...I am so sick of people looking to make a buck on every single screw nut, waher..etc..and when you do get the part it looks like s..it..forget about those a-holes trying to pass repro off as n.o.s...guess its all let the buyer beware..I thouroughly enjoy mopardom..and willingly help out other members when asked..long story short...glad I didnt give in/ or give up..thanx to many of the folks here..I dont post much but am here everyday looking for parts/and advise...nuff said....
3. Lack of knowledge on the carburtor side of life and finding someone local to teach it seems impossible. I have 2 "bookings" with performance shops to check my tune that have been too busy for me for over 8 months even after dropping 6 grand to have them build the engine.

hey what is up with your carb if you need some help getting it tuned pm me and i'll help you over the web or at least try....
All the time. Just take a brake, find some insperation then get back at it. I do it all the time. I allso find that FABO is a great sorse of insperation.

Good luck on your build.
It's all just part of it I guess, I've been accused of having a short attention span. Usually have two or three projects going at once. Still dragging in more junk, if I live long enough to get it all done I'd have to be over a hundred.
I've met some arse holes and shysters over the past 40 years of fooling with cars, but the nice knowledgeable and helpful folks make up for them.
Like the guy's said, if you get burnt out on a project just take a break. It'll be there when you get ready again.
i understand that ... its like me ,, im building my duster with a 360 magnum engine .. 410 hp and blabla bla.. i want performance , i want to be the best driver in the street ... have the fastest car ... its in my blood ,,, but still
do i take the good way ? i just turned 23 and you know , you want pride ... maybe i look to be a big head , but seriously i think its as good and bad part to be fan of powerful cars like muscle cars ...

when i see a mustang or some guy who wants to race i just turn crazy and i want to smoke it .. and if i see the new challenger .. omg ( im maybe the biggest fan of mopar since im 15 ) and god i hate that car ... its a mopar yes ,, but the new hemi blablabla im sorry but its not for me , my brain just whants to destroy it on the road ..

it seems crazy ,, but its truly me ,,, one of my best friend and mechanic is 46 and says :

Joe just enjoy your ride .. forget it , if someone doesnt like your car .. dont liste to them , dont race on the street , go on the track ...

and .. man i cant handle myself , and still i always want more !

thats my story ! and im tired of that .. i juste want to enjoy my ride being alone !
Oldart has pretty well nailed it down. Take a break. This is not a job. This hobby is meant to be relaxing and enjoyable. Granted we can't all run down and buy any and everything we want when we want it. Not even me. Projects? That's what they are and some have more than others. When i get tired of one or run out of funds for the one phase i'm on i pull another in and do something on it that will only be costing me elbo grease. Set the hammer down and back slowly away from the car, pick up the MM magazine and a good cold one and set back and admire what you have done thus far. It's a healthy hobby if you just see it with those eyes. As far as the pricks go, they are everywhere and we all will deal with em at one time or another. Stay close to a site where you can gain friendships and learn who can be trusted and who cannot. Here on FABO several of us tend to look out for each other and when we smell a crook several are ready and willing to sniff em out for the good of all honest folk here. Sometimes i get wore out on something of mine and start helping a buddy work on their ride and watch the shoe on the other foot. That's when the fun starts. Keep it relaxing. Go to the rifle range for a spell. Keep it a hobby.
Never get tired of a project I just tired of not having the money to work on that project.My problem is I just love to many Mopars so I usally don't keep them for about more than 3 years.Then I sell it and find another.I have had my Road Runner 4 years in April and my GTS 4 years in Sept.and my Coronet 24 years in Aug.Well some of you know the story with the Coronet.The Road Runner I wouldn't mine selling to find something different.The GTS I plan on keeping I have always wanted one since I was 15.Anymore I try not to have anymore than 2 Mopars at a time because it just cost so much to work on one.I will have 2 cars for awhile then the next thing you know I got 4 cars plus my 2 daily drivers.O and 98% of Mopar people I have met are great People.As far as Body shops alot of them are Scum Bags.You really have to take your Mopar to a Resto. shop and not a Body shop.Just have to be carefull.