Expensive brake job?


Bad Sport

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Jun 12, 2010
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The Wolverine State
Well, I went to do a brake job on the wifes car the other day, and after looking around under it, I was kinda disgusted.

Sooo....I went to town for parts to repair it.

Damn expensive, lol.

View attachment Rav4.jpg

I know it's not a Mopar, but she didn't want a car so we ended up with this. Not a bad little vehicle, I must say. 2013 Toy Rav4.

The Focus she had served us well for 11 years without a whole lot of repair issues.
Unless you've done a ridiculous amount of mileage and worn rotors below spec a disc machine and new pads should have been like new
I haven't worked on a Rav4 but I have worked on enough foreign cars to know some of the parts can cost an outrageous amount.
Unless you've done a ridiculous amount of mileage and worn rotors below spec a disc machine and new pads should have been like new

If you're taking about a brake lathe, forget it. Unless you have a lathe that works on the car, most of the ones out there have a runout way out of spec for what the rotors actually call for. (I think the worst one I've seen was .010", when the rotor runout spec was something like .002".)
Unless you've done a ridiculous amount of mileage and worn rotors below spec a disc machine and new pads should have been like new

LOL, but it wouldn't have helped the rest of the car. We got 11 years out of it with very few maintenance issues.

It was time to upgrade.

fishy68 I haven't worked on a Rav4 but I have worked on enough foreign cars to know some of the parts can cost an outrageous amount.

Well, it's under warranty (parts and labor) for the next 3 years, so I'll let them worry about it.
Wifes/ours is 2011 RaV. I threw front linings on it about 4 months ago. That's all it needed. 30 minute chore, didn't break the bank.
that would be an expensive brake job for sure!
I got it, that's why I said define expensive, meaning what did the vehicle cost. I just had to do something similar for my wife back in Feb, so I know the feeling.
Yep..those "jap crap" replacement parts are mighty expensive..they don't tell ya' that in the commercials:D:D:D:D
Yep..those "jap crap" replacement parts are mighty expensive..they don't tell ya' that in the commercials:D:D:D:D

Actually, I just got off the phone with the parts department at the Toyo dealer. He said the parts for these are no more expensive than any one of the big three, and quite often are less expensive.

I do need another key made for it, luckily I made them put it in the final agreement that they pay for it, good thing too.

250.00 bucks for a key and programming. Geez, whatever happened to a 2 dollar key at the hardware store. :evil3:

I'm lovin' the Bluetooth feature, that's cool beans.
My buddy whos a mechanic loves it when the "foreign crap" comes in his shop"..bend over:D:D:D:D
My buddy whos a mechanic loves it when the "foreign crap" comes in his shop"..bend over:D:D:D:D

Then he's making people bend over. I sell those parts every day. Parts for a Honda, a Toyota, or even a Hyundai aren't anymore expensive then parts for the Big Three.
Actually, I just got off the phone with the parts department at the Toyo dealer. He said the parts for these are no more expensive than any one of the big three, and quite often are less expensive.

And you believed him! :sign5:

Sorry Bruce but I couldn't resist. IMO he's feeding you a line of bull. A buddy of mine owned a Camry for about 10 yrs. It was a good car but when it broke it nearly broke the bank. I have priced parts for friends for foreign and domestic cars and 99% of the time I find parts for domestic cars cheaper. Not counting Cadillac and Lincoln. Their as expensive as anything on the planet
Time will tell I guess. The warranty package I got covers parts and labor for three years, so if anything breaks, I hope it's in the 3 years.

I did price a few common parts just for giggles, brakes, rotors etc and they weren't any higher. I don't know about more in depth repairs.
Well, we've had a while to drive this thing, and I gotta say, I'm impressed with it.

Gas mileage is phenomenal, we average 42 MPG around town (Econo Mode), I'm guessing as much as maybe 44-45 on the highway with the cruise on. Plenty of spunk, especially in Sport mode and shifting the 6 speed trans in Manual mode. :D

It ain't a Mopar, but oh well.. I almost got a Challenger, but the wife wanted something to haul the grand kids in a little easier.
Unless you've done a ridiculous amount of mileage and worn rotors below spec a disc machine and new pads should have been like new

That would not have fixed all of the rust issues, lol. It was looking pretty bad, and I knew it was just a matter of time before it started coming apart at the seams.