Extra garlic on mine please!!!!!!!!

Every thing is better with this!
I like to eat my mouse raw, if it's good enough for Mickey, it's good enough for me !
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She's nice to look at, but I don't want to eat anything she's cooking.
I'm friends with the family that owns a local Chinese take out. The owner Pete (Peter Pan and that's actually a funny story too) tells me all the time that the Chinese food they make and sell isn't what the Chinese eat. Americans won't eat real Chinese food. He's not lying either, I've seen the crap he makes for himself and his wife.
On a more somber note.
I went to school with a kid whose dad was a POW in Nam, who had to eat rats because they were starving them. He survived his ordeal and was a teacher later in life.
Kids would say if you yelled out hey rat, he would go off, and he did, I witnessed it.
Never say never if your starving...
Wait ...she was cooking something? Didn't notice.......:rolleyes:

How can someone be so white? As for what ended up in her chopsticks, I'd have to pass.