F****** cancer

prayers are sent...so sorry to hear this...god promisses know more hurting in heaven only rejoicing
heavenly father, we struggle to know the how and why. How cancer can come into the world. Why people so young have to suffer. In these times we struggle to find comfort as we can't find answers.

Father, we come to you in our prayers, seeking the true comfort. The comfort only you can give us, the answers only you have. As the bible tells us, we see through a glass dimly, seeing only what we can see, while you have no limitations. In our time we aren't able to see what you see, yet when we join you, those limitations on us will be lifted we will see what you see and understand what you understand. Let us take comfort in that, father, that we will eventually have the ultimate understanding.

Yet, now, father, hold us close, all those who are dealing with this disease, the sufferers and the caretakers, the loved ones, the medical professionals, the researchers. Give us insight and wisdom, give us comfort and peace, let us take joy in the joyful moments, even in the times of sorrow.

We raise up to you one young lady in particular, father, and her caretaker. We ask that you be with them in this struggle. We ask that you give them the aid they need as they move through this.

We ask this in jesus' name.


I lost my sister to liver cancer at the age of 37. She had just had a baby about 9 months prior. She was like a sister to my wife and my daughter worshiped the ground she walked on. I miss her every day.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.
I understand completely, my brother in law passed almost a year ago from cancer. And it is really hard to see someone you love get worse and worse. I'm at home caring for my wife
since she can't work anymore. She is fighting the after effects of Breast cancer treatments. A year now. My god bless your whole family!
its a terrible disease thart my mother died from and now we watch my wifes aunt go from a healthy vibrant woman of 50 enjoying life, to a wheelchair within weeks.

prayers sent and condolences to the family, I know how you feel
Our prayers are with you all.
I've seen two relatives be take by cancer they were older.
It's never an easy thing to watch someone go through this.
Cancer does not discriminate no matter what the age.
It is a shame 41 is to young.

Take care
Tom and Mary
Prayers on the way for your sister-in-law and your entire family.
You're right about 41 being far too young. As a young kid, I lost my dad when he was only 44.
Sorry to hear this, i lost my mom to cancer when she was about the same age.
She was gone within 4 months of the diagnoses, horrible disease!