F18 crash WOW!!!

yah, happened 7 miles north of my work today.. made traffic a total *****. one of my friends lives the next street over too! Crazy!
I heard two people on the ground died, what a crazy way to die :angry7:
I watched the news here at 5 pm and they did not say anything about this tragedy, Thanks for the update 360scamp, I hope everyone was at work or in school where the f-18 crashed. The pilot they said was seen so hopefully he is ok. He is most likely getting debriefed and checked out now I hope.
theres a better chance of hitting the lottery, feel sorry for victims,what bad luck
Yea, this was really sad. From what I understand, the pilot was coming back from doing carrier check out runs off the coast. He radioed when he was 100 miles out that he only had 1 engine. Miramar Tower made the decision to bring him in (Much easier than landing on a carrier with only 1 engine). He was on the predetermined course for landing at Miramar when he crashed. He was 2 miles from the main runway.

He ejected his fuel on the way down, and waited until the last minute before he punched out. He suffered only minor injuries, and is stable at Balboa medical center.

The FA-18 was NOT under power for the last few seconds before the Pilot ejected. After he ejected, the plane made a hard right and went down at a 45 degree angle, clipped the top of a tree, then a house before it ultimately hit the street and skidded into the first house.

Reporters say that the first house that the plane skidded into had a mom, 2 small girls and a grandma. At this point, they have confirmed that the mother, the grandmother and one of the girls has died. They are looking for the last little girl. Because the plane was not under power when it hit, they had NO idea that it was coming.

This is all a huge tragedy. My prayers go out to the father of the family who was at work when this happened. My prayers also go out to the pilot.

Regardless of how you slice it, the pilot knowingly ejected to let his plane fly willy-nilly into a residential heighborhood. I think it was a cowardly thing to do. Regardless of how much or little control he had over the craft, he should have stayed with it in hopes of at least maybe plowing it into a street. What he did in saving his own skin with apparent disregard for the consequences flies in the face of the spirit of self-sacrifice you would expect from someone in the military.
The pilot tried to aim it into a nearby empty canyon but the engines went out and so did some electrical. He didn’t have too much of a choice so he ejected all his fuel and shut down everything as to make sure to minimize a already horrible fate. He ejected and it landed in the middle of a huge area of homes.. only destroying 2! When the plane landed it was silent, as if it was a huge rock falling from the sky. I think with the situation, he did pretty good.. and the husband has been quoted over and over stating that he knows the pilot did all he could and prays that the pilot doesn’t get in trouble for it considering that he did do everything he could. And I quote,

“Yoon said he bore no ill will toward the Marine Corps pilot who ejected safely before the jet plunged into the neighborhood two miles west of the runway at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. "”I pray for him not to suffer for this action,”" Yoon said. "”I know he's one of our treasures for our country.”" ( http://www.latimes.com/news/printedition/california/la-me-jetcrash10-2008dec10,0,2049016.story )

He didn’t just let it go and eject without care.. and you can’t really do anything with those planes when you’re out of power.. they don’t glide.
Then I stand corrected. The fault lies with whoever made the decision to bring a known problematic aircraft in over a residential area. A single-engine landing on a carrier was deemed too risky, but bringing the same craft in over a residential area was ok? Dumb.
I did a bunch of training for being a pilot back in the day and if your in a cessna or even a 747 you have a large enough wingspan that you can do a controlled glide and get them in or at least crash close to where you want for the sake of manuevarbility jets have a short wingspan and next to no glide ratio (speed that must be maintained for a glide) the only use of staying with the plane would be to die and not have to think about the people you killed when your plane crashed I wouldn't want to be in either the fathers shoes or the pilots
The fault lies with whoever made the decision to bring a known problematic aircraft in over a residential area. A single-engine landing on a carrier was deemed too risky, but bringing the same craft in over a residential area was ok? Dumb.

Acidents happen, this is a horrible acident. There is no need to find a single person to point the finger at. My best to everyone involved.

Pearl harbor proved that planes sink ships....:read2:
They tried to save the plane and the pilot, the pilot tryed to save the people on the ground, he saved more than you think! We can't blame any one person its not right.
