FABO calender

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I'm with WAGGIN on Cosgig's post. Geof touched on a few details we've been discussing. We WANT to see this happen, but it can't go on for another 7 pages of people debating what hasn't been fully planned out yet. Everyone knows we're thinking about it. Just sit tight while we decide what's gonna work for the people organizing this project. We all have full time jobs, family, and personal lives. It might take a few days, maybe a week or so, before we have a game plan.

And please, no more requests for Beaver pelts.....

just get people send pics in and one of you decide what goes in. then its done. if everyone don't like it then they don't have to buy it.

and here is a question. how many people actually have a high enough quality picture to send in anyway. i'll bet a lot of them are not good enough quality to put on a calendar in the first place.
OK, I've read a lot of opinions here and this idea seems to have gotten way out of hand. I need to say my 2 cents.
First off, no one said anything about provocative poses. The original idea was to make a calendar of female members of FABO and their cars. That was it and it was a very good idea. If said members choose to pose working on their cars then that is great. If they want to dress up really nice in front of or in their cars then that is great. If they want to pose with a bikini or other swimsuit then that is great. What is wrong with that? Do you cover your kids eyes at the beach? I think not. Pettyblue72 posted a really nice pic of herself in a bikini in the water with her girls. Everyone loved it and it was not provocative in any way. In fact it was family oriented. Some people worry way too much in this country. I'm not putting anyone down here either. Don't take my remarks the wrong way. I just see no problem with the girls posing dressed as they like. This is a family site so nothing provocative or overly sexual. As for posing with a car other than an A-body, what's the problem? Owning an A-body is not a requirement of the site. We all love and appreciate A-bodies as well as the other Mopar muscle bodies. Like I said, the original suggestion was for a calendar of female members and their cars. If too much back and forth arguing goes on the calendar will never see press. There can also be more than one type of calendar. A snap on type calendar can be done also. We have a lot of members and more than one choice could be a good idea. I think both would sell rather well.
I'm done ranting now. Let's try to get this doen. OK? OK
<HEAVY sigh....> Like I said, many good points have been made, and we are discussing what we MIGHT do for a calender. I think there's a little too much innuendo's being tossed about and it's starting to sound like a high school locker room. Personally, I say we promote the web site, FOR A BODIES ONLY. It's the middle of the summer. PLENTY of time to get someone with a camera to snap pictures. PLENTY of time to organize this.

After all, when do you want your 2010 calender. Next Tuesday? Give it a rest before you guys run this into the ground and everyone is so pissed off it doesn't happen at all.....

Now, at this point I will treat this thread as annoying as the Politcs forum and will leave you guys to bicker amongst yourselves. :-D
Man I'd have to say that this is the hottest topic in awhile... I was wondering where everyone was at. LOL

I want a calender!!!:clock:

Oh.... one world for making a good calender in to make sure it has "class".
Can we lock and delete this thread then try again next week....Please ! LOL
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