FABO Members' Map

Zoom in on Albuquerque...two icons...mine's on the right...the one on the left is old news.
Added myself and it turns out there's a FABO member five miles away! Here in Sweden! Who'da guessed?

Great map, thanks!
I think th emap is great. There seems to be some Swedes at FABO. When I joined FABO back in December of 2006 I'd never thought that I should become to know so many great people. Actually I have met alot of you guys too which was fun.

Not to forget all the knowledge and all the stories on certain things has been great getting to know. For my own restoration I'm not sure if I could have made it without FABO.
I tried to sign in to the map program as an Administrator but zeemaps didn't send me the log in info -- yet. If I get a reply I'll touch base with those of you who've had an issue and try to get it fixed.
I'm on it now, pretty cool map. I haven't been able to find much info on it, are the colored markers color coded to anything specific? Didn't see any info on that anywhere.