Well-Known Member
Must be rare option, my "65 Signet convertible has no factory air.
Keep the factory AC box since the firewall varies from non-AC cars (at least did most years). It will also match the dash controls and will work for just-heat if all you want for now. If you later rehab the AC, say with a new Sanden compressor, you will be far ahead with the AC climate box, which will work fine if you use the underhood expansion valve. You could even re-use the factory AC condenser.Just this past spring I pulled a valiant 200 out of a swamp, it has factory air. The evaporator box was still in the car but no compressor or hoses. The heater and a/c control was still in the dash. Nor sure if I will put that unit back in or go with just heater, if I can find one