Fan clutch replacement guidance and recommendations

The clutch is worn out. The other thing I would replace is the thermostat. Use a high flow stat.
get yourself an infrared heat sensing gun (I got a cheap one at Harbor Freight that works just fine). You can check the temp at the thermostat housing by the temp gauge sensor at start up through fully warmed up and you can figure out actual temps at various gauge readings. It might be that you just need to recalibrate your perception of what the gauge readings really mean. Then you can search around with the gun for sources of heat in the engine compartment
Hayden #2947 replacement clutch, that's what I have on my all stock '72. Also helps to make sure that your radiator and or A/C condenser isn't full of bugs etc. Besides all of the things mentioned here.
I replaced the fan clutch today. It seems to have taken care of the heating issue!

Thanks everyone for your input and thanks @str12-340 for the reference temps for comparison.
Screenshot 2024-06-29 at 9.26.27 PM.png
Make sure you have all the hood gaskets and underhood seals present and in good condition. That cured a similar problem. KISS.
Make sure you have all the hood gaskets and underhood seals present and in good condition. That cured a similar problem. KISS.
Thank you for mentioning the seals, have you had good luck with a particular company ?
A washer between the clutch and blade? Why? Did you mean #2947?
The clutch body was touching the fan. Adding a slim washer made the clutch body not touch the fan

No, I bought the 2747. I had already ordered it based on information I had gotten. Looking back at 2947 is a low profile unit. Probably don’t need the clearance washers on that one.

So what's the distance from the rad to the blade tip ? The Hays unit I got said 3/4 inch
So what's the distance from the rad to the blade tip ? The Hays unit I got said 3/4 inch

Judging solely on how it looks in relation to how deep the fan sits in the shroud , it’s basically in the same position as the factory Eaton unit that was replaced.

I’ll have to measure it next time I’m around the car. It’s stored an hour away in a shop where I’ve been working on it
From the factory (no guarantee with aftermarket), a heavy-duty fan clutch, along with being of sturdier construction, has an idle lock-in feature: the fan is driven at engine idle, no matter what the thermostatic coil has to say about it. That improves A/C performance and guards against overheating in stuck-in-traffic situations.

Classic Industries is a garbage company selling garbage parts at LOLROFL prices. They're on my always-avoid list.