Fender tag date code.


Peter L

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
Good morning all. Looking to find the build date for my '69 Barracuda. A little confused on the build dates. Did they start in January of the year, and which code is it on my tag? Thanks for any help.
Typically build years start in August.(IIRC)

So your 69 may have been built in 68.

This example 930 (red box) is 9/30/69 for a 1970 model year car.

Vin shows 0 (green arrow) =70 model year
For the 1969 model year, they started production in early August of 1968 and built them until sometime in mid to late July of 1969.
The SCHEDULED production date is found on the second row of numbers and letters and is a 3 digit code.
It is found before the last 6 numbers on the second line.
Thanks. That code on my fender tag is A23. So does the 'A' mean first month of production, 23rd day?
Thanks. That code on my fender tag is A23. So does the 'A' mean first month of production, 23rd day?
It denotes the scheduled production date of your car as October 23rd, 1968.
Since October is the 10th month of the year, Chrysler used the letter A as the prefix and the 23 is the day scheduled.
November would be ''B'', and December would be ''C''.
Then in January, it would start as a single digit again so the scheduled build date would be 123.
They only wanted 3 digits for the scheduled build date, so that is why they went to A,B, and C for the last 3 months of the year...
That's great. Thanks for the help. The reason I was asking is because my car is a fairly original car. I recently did the rear brakes and found traces of red paint on the rear drums. Since this would indicate the car came with road wheels, I was wondering if it's possible that it had the cast center recall wheels, since they were the only other option besides hubcaps.
No recall wheels on October cars, they were outed as a problem in August.

And it has been 56 years, anybody could have painted those drums. Or drums swapped.

Is it a front drum brake car, a few fronts painted.
Red paint? Not sure how that indicates anything original to the car.
Thanks for the info. Most likely the drums were swapped years ago. No way to tell really. By the way, it's a front disc brake, factory A/C car.
PS.... A56, research Mopar red brake drums.
So this bulletin was for B bodies? A bodies weren't' offered with Rallyes or Magnum wheels if I understand correctly. Learn something everyday. :thumbsup:

"Note the red paint on the face of this rear brake drum. A Chrysler Passenger Cars-Procedure and Materials engineering document dated January 31, 1969, states, "Apply a 2-inch Wide Paint Band in Toward Center Per P.S.3840 With 3404653 Enamel (Styled Wheels Only). No Paint Allowed on Wheel Attachment Studs or on Wheel Contact Area of Drum." "Styled" wheels refer to Magnums or to the Rallyes in this vehicle's case. We have seen original cars where the red paint was still wet and dripping when the wheels were installed-evident by the amount of the paint on the wheel. We have so far confirmed this procedure on '69 -'71 model year cars."
The A bodies were offered with the optional cast 'recall' wheel in '69 according to the sales brochure. Long shot, but I thought perhaps my car had these rare wheels. Build date was too late however.
Thanks for all the input guys.
Cheers, Pete.
The A bodies were offered with the optional cast 'recall' wheel in '69 according to the sales brochure. Long shot, but I thought perhaps my car had these rare wheels. Build date was too late however.
Thanks for all the input guys.
Cheers, Pete.
Yep, this original bulletin is dated 1/31/1969 pertaining to the red paint from all of the banter. Enjoy your car.
Thanks for the info. Most likely the drums were swapped years ago. No way to tell really. By the way, it's a front disc brake, factory A/C car.
PS.... A56, research Mopar red brake drums.
Hey Pete just curious if your factory A/C car has tinted glass ? Apparently just because it's a factory A/C car doesn't guarantee tinted glass.
What say you ??
Yes my car has tinted glass. The fender tag has the G11 code, 'Tinted glass- all', and the H51 code for air conditioning.
As a side note; sometime before I got the car the right quarter window must have been broken because it is a clear piece. would like to find a correct tinted piece.
I may have one, whereabouts in Onterrible are you?
Yes my car has tinted glass. The fender tag has the G11 code, 'Tinted glass- all', and the H51 code for air conditioning.
As a side note; sometime before I got the car the right quarter window must have been broken because it is a clear piece. would like to find a correct tinted piece.
As a side note; sometime before I got the car the right quarter window must have been broken because it is a clear piece. would like to find a correct tinted piece
What body style? Convert?